Chapter 10 - Just Bloody Kiss Me

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The soft hum of a coffee machine and the low chuckles emitting from a happy couple are the only sounds you can hear at the café. It was 8 am- opening time, and the few workers that were there are preparing everything for the flood of morning customers.

"Good morning hyung!"

"Oh, good morning Sungjae. How are you?"

"I'm good thanks. Um- where's Ilhoon?"

At the younger's words, Eunkwang stops drying the wet cups and places them gently on the counter. Giving the other his full attention.

"Ilhoon? He's not coming back to work until Tuesday."

"May I ask why?"

Eunkwang pauses, looking at Sungjae sceptically. "He needed the rest. Why do you want to see him?"

A light pink blush covers the boy's cheeks as he moves his attention to the half-dried cups on the counter. "I just need to, um- talk to him about something important."

"Right. And I'm sure you're also the reason behind Ilhoon's weird behaviour too." The manager says sarcastically, not in a million years expecting the reaction he would receive from Sungjae.

"Ah- shit- how is he acting?"

"Wait. Wait, what? Sungjae what did you do to Ilhoon?"

"Nothing- I- maybe something, - just tell me what's going on with him please."

Eunkwang gives the flustered boy before him a disapproving look, then answers his question. "He's just been really out of it again. He seems to have something else on his mind and he's not doing too well with the customer's- getting a lot of complaints because he forgets simple orders and such."

"Hold on, out of it again?"

"Damn it Sungjae that's not the point. What did you do?" The usually laid-back man gives Ilhoon a cold stare. Not in the mood to play around.

"Look, I'll sort it out, okay? I just really need to talk to him right now. It's urgent."

The older sighs, massaging his temples. "He's probably at home. But I'm telling you right now Sungjae; I did not give you his address, alright?"

"Thank you, hyung!" Sungjae cheers, giving the not-so-pleased man a big hug.


The boy was stood in front of an unfamiliar door- his heart thumping in his chest as he was seriously contemplating just turning back and running the opposite direction. As the boy was just about to tentatively knock on the door, it slams open. Resulting in a near death collision as the person inside of the house halts abruptly.

A tall girl with long black hair messily put together in a ponytail stands before him. Her features set in a cold mask as she stares down at the intruder.

"Stranger, you do realise this is private property, yeah? The escort you're looking for is probably down the road."

"Um, n-no. I'm actually looking for... Ilhoon? Is this his house?"

At his words, the girl takes the taller boy by his hoodie. "What business do you have with Mr. Jung?"

Sungjae blinks a few times. Taken slightly aback by the forwardness of this girl. "Well, I could ask you exactly the same thing, Miss." The other retorts, his eyes squinting suspiciously.

The girl laughs. "I like you, kid. What's your name?"


The girl raises one eyebrow at the taller boy, seeing him in a new light. She slightly smirks mischievously. "Ah, Sungjae? I've heard a lot about you. It's nice to put a face to the name. Come in."

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