Chapter 13

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Miranda gave me her most innocent smile while anger filled my body.

"You know, Carter, if you're hearing voices, I really think you should talk to someone."

"What was that about?" I asked, my voice raising an octave out of anger.

She rolled her eyes, her smile disappearing. "You actually have to ask."

"Yes, I do because I was only doing what you wanted me to do, then you go and purposely make me look like a psycho."

She shook her head, her blond hair falling ove her shoulders. "You really don't get it. I want you to get him to confess to my murder somehow. I don't want you to become friends with him."

"You are seriously having vision problems if it looks like Blaine and I are friends. He simply gave me a ride home, that was all."

"You were flirting with him, Carter."

My eyes were wide. "We didn't even talk."

"At the bar. You were flirting."

I thought back to the bar. Sure we fought a little, but that was not flirting. Miranda was simply dillusional.

"Whatever you do, Carter, just don't become friends with him or else you may end up where I am and the murderer gets away." Without another word she disappeared, leaving me standing at the door. Did Miranda truly think I was going to befriend Blaine? First of all, he was cranky all the time. Secondly, there was a large possibility that he was a murderer. Not exactly the type of person I wanted to hang out with.

"You okay?" I jumped at the sudden sound of a voice. I jumped in surprise to find Caleb giving me a worried expression.

"Just great," I said, watching Miranda disappear, as I made my way to my room.


We met at twelve. He was ten minutes late, which I nagged him about, but he just grunted in response.

"Let's get this over with," He muttered as he took a gulp of his beer.

"Do you always drink?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Lately, yeah."

"Why lately?"

He gave me an annoyed look. "Because I recently met you."

I rolled my eyes, ignoring the fact that he was pretty pleased with himself. "Whatever. Okay, first question...what's it like being a nurse?"

He shrugged. "Cool."

"Okay, if you answer everything else with lame one word answers, I am not paying you."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Okay, okay. Very cool."

I groaned. "Blaine!"

He let off a chuckle. "Fine, being a nurse is hectic. Crazy hours, cranky people, but you get to help people." He shrugged. "So it's cool."

"What made you get into it?" I wanted to jump straight to the real answers I wanted, but I actually had to look like I was interviewing him.

"My mom...she got sick when I was younger. I couldn't help I figured this was the closest way, you know, I couldn't save my mom, but I can try and save other people." He took another gulp of beer while a smile fought to appear on my lips.

"That's kind of sweet."

"Shut up," He immediately retorted. And there was the Blaine I knew.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "So, um, you married?"

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