Chapter 8

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The man sat, distressed on his torn up couch. His elbows rested on his knees while his head rested in his hands. He shoved his hands through his hair, pushing it back as a sob rippled throughout his body. He shook his head as he finally looked up, revealing his dark brown, puffy eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He suddenly asked, with a deep voice. There was no reponse to his question. "I said...What are you doing here?!"

I woke up, sitting up quickly in the hospital bed. It had been the fourth time in a row I had the exact same dream and it didn't make any sense.

"God, it's about time you woke up," The last voice I wanted to hear at that moment spoke up. I glared at the blond girl, staring at me with her arms folded. "All you ever do it sleep."

"You almost killed me."

She rolled her eyes as she walked over to the chair next to me and propped herself down in it. "i did not almost kill you, Carter."

"You pushed me into the shower wall, and plus I almost drowned." She looked at me, completely unimrpressed.

"Let me guess, you're really pissed off at me, huh?'

I rolled my eyes as if it were obvious because, well, it was. "Of course."

"And you want me to suffer for almost kiliing you."

"Yeah." I stated simply, but it was true.

She looked at me with a completely serious expression. "That's exactly how I feel except I am not the one who is still alive."

"I won't be for long if you keep making me do this, then attack me when I quit," I quickly shot back.

She sighed, shaking her head. "Carter, you don't get it, do you?"

"Get what?"

"Pushing you into that wall was the smartest thing I've ever done."

My anger soon turned to rage as soon as the words left her mouth. "Excuse me?!"

She rolled her eyes, acting as if I was annoying her. "Carter, you were giving up. You can't give up on me. I need you. I knew Blaine was a nurse, of course, so I pushed you into the wall."

"Miranda, what would have happened if I died, huh?"

She shook her head before replying. "I wouldn't have let that happen. I found your mom right away and told her she needed to get home."

"How exactly did you tell her?"

"I don't know. I guess it's a power ghosts have. We can kind of get into people's minds. All your mother knows is that she suddenly knew she had to get home right away. She left, I helped her hit every green light, and led her right to you." She shrugged, a smile on her lips. "I'm kind of amazing."

"You almost killed me."

"Oh, please. Just let that go, will you? So, tell me," She got up on the bed and turned to face me. "Have you talked to Blaine?"

I shrugged. "A little."


I bit my lip, staring at the door making sure no one was about to barge in and see me talking to myself. If they saw that, I knew they would have me shipped to a different kind of hospital the very next day. That would not help anyone.

"Miranda, I keep having this weird dream, and I get a feeling it has something to do with this..."

She raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"It's not much. It's just this distressed, blond guy, moping, but then he sees me and starts talking to me but for some reason I don't respond. I always wake up at that part...but the man, he scares me."

She narrowed her eyes. "How long is this guy's hair?"

"A few inches, I guess," I saw, shrugging.

"Where was he?"

"I don't know. He was sitting on some couch."

"What color?"

"What?" I asked, confused about her sudden interest.

"Color, Carter. What was the color of the couch?" She rolled her eyes impatiently as she spoke.


She looked at me, her eyes now wide as she bit her lip. "Okay, this is good. I'm glad you told me."

"Why exactly?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, feeling dread in my stomach already.

She stared straight in my eyes, and the look she had made her look like a complete madman. "Carter, I think It's time you met Wallace."

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