Chapter 14

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"You okay, hun?" My dad asked me a few hours later as I sat in the kitchen, eating a carton of ice cream. I nodded my head silently, still obsessing about the fact that everyone thought I was suicidal. Yet I couldn't say anything to anyone because if I told people I saw dead people, I would end up in a mental ward. See? I was screwed either way. "What's wrong?" He asked me, leaning on the counter.

"Nothing, Dad," I said, giving a sigh. "I'm perfectly fine."

He stared at me, his blue eyes filled with tears. "Do you still think it's your fault?"

I shook my head, refusing to go into this again. This was the topic that had put me in years of therapy. "Dad, please just drop it."

"I am not going to drop it, Carter. You're hurting, I can tell."

"I'll be fine, Dad," I forced a reassuring smile as I took another bite of ice cream. He watched me tentatively.

There were a few moments of silence before he spoke again. "It's not your fault, Carter. It was purely an accident--"

"Dad, please," I said, tears filling my eyes. That day was truly my lucky day...not. Because at that exact moment Caleb walked into the kitchen, his eyes wide as he looked all around the kitchen before setting his eyes back on me,

"Carter?" He asked, his voice filled with panic and worry as he stared at me and my tearful expression. "Are you all right?"

I nodded, suddenly losing my appetite. This was not good, not at all. He wasn't supposed to have heard me talking...he wasn't even supposed to be home. "You're supposed to be at school. Why are you home?" I asked, giving him a smile.

"Class was cancelled," He said dismissively, still staring at me with contemplating eyes. "Carter...are you sure you're all right?" I nodded my head again, almost automatically. "Really...then why were you talking to yourself?"

I bit my lip, knowing I was in a tough spot. Looking away from Caleb's expression, I noticed that my dad had disappeared. Thanks a lot. "I was just...practicing my speech."

He raised an eyebrow. "What speech is that?"

I racked my mind for an explnation and came up short. "You know..." I avoided looking at him, not wanting to see his face.

"Carter, tell me, please. Who were you talking to?" His voice sounded so sad, almost like he was pleading with me. But I couldn't tell him, not at all. If I did, I would end up in a mental hospital. "Please," His voice cracked, making him sound desperate.

I finally caved. "I was talking to Dad." The room went tense and silent as I stared at the floor, not wanting to see what crazed look Caleb was giving me.

Minutes ticked by ever so slowly before he spoke up again. "What did Dad say?"

Tears filled my eyes yet again. "He said..." My voice cracked. "He said the accident wasn't my fault." A chair on the other side of the table screeched against the floor and I knew he had pulled the chair out so he could sit in it.

"He's right, you know," He responded, much to my amazement. I shot my head up to look at his emotionless face.

"You're not freaking out." I stated.

He shook his head. "For some silly reason, I believe you, Carter." He took a deep breath and looked around the room. "Is he here right now?" I shook my head, a relieved smile playing on my lips. He let out a breath and leaned back in the chair. "My little sister can see dead people," He mumbled to himself.

"Please, do me a favor and not mention this to anyone." I said, practically pleading with him.

"I won't," He said, and a few seconds later he flashed me a smile. "How often do you see him?"

I shrugged, "Not too much, just when things are out of control in my life."

"And why did he show up today?"

I shrugged again, "No reason. Just...thinking about the accident again."

"Carter, it's not your fault Dad died in the accident, you know."

I shook my head, "Listen, Caleb, do you mind not talking about this now?"

He stared at me, not giving away anything in his expression before he sighed. "All right. But I'm here if you need me." He got out of his chair and gave my shoulder a pat before he left the room, leaving me to wonder what exactly just happened.


Haven't really been uploading....I don't know I'm kind of bored with this story, but I'll finish it. I took down all my other stories, I want to focus on one project at a time from now on. you weren't expecting that twist huh?! Her father is actually a spirit!!! I was so excited to throw that little twist in there. But don't worry, there is another huge plot twist to come that I bet none of you are expecting. :D

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