Chapter 9

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Makoto burst through the doors from the entrance to the hospital. She looked around for a moment before spotting her friends in the waiting area. Once she spotted them she ran over to them. Aguri was pacing uneasily, while Mana and Rikka were sitting down, muttering. "I'!" Makoto gasped out of breath. After a few moments she added "What's going on with Alice?" "We're not sure. Honestly I don't know if she's doing better or worse." Rikka replied clearly worried. "Explain" Makoto said bluntly confusion clouding her gaze. "She shows no signs of her sickness anymore. But Alice is in an immense amount of pain. Because of that she can't seem to eat or sleep." Rikka explained her voice growing panicked as she talked. "Do you have any idea what could've caused this?" Makoto asked. "No! It's as big of a mystery to the doctors as when Alice got sick!" Rikka yelled starling Makoto. When Rikka realized how she sounded her gaze immediately softened. "I'm so sorry but I'm just so worried. We already almost lost her." Rikka apologized muttering the last sentence. If any of the girls heard they didn't show it. "We're all worried." Mana whispered placing a hand on her best friend's shoulder. A few minutes later Rikka's mother slowly walked towards the girls. Aguri who had been silent finally spoke up. "How is she?" the brunette whispered though Makoto could tell that her voice was frantic. Rikka's mother let out a long sigh "Why don't you see for yourselves?" the woman said softly ushering the girls to follow her. The girls followed her to a hospital room but Rikka's mother stopped at the door. "I have to warn you she's in a lot of pain right now and totally exhausted. Try not to overwhelm her, Alice has already gone through a lot." The girls just nodded in response before Rikka's mother opened the door. Alice was in a hospital bed and she honestly looked awful. Her body looked completely tense. Her ribs were able to be seen through the thin hospital gown, hinting she hadn't eaten in days. There were huge bags under her eyes, which showed nothing but pain. Rikka was first to step towards her. "Hey Alice, how is the pain?" Alice just slowly turned her head towards her before responding. "I feel like my bones are breaking and reforming into something new. I just want to sleep!" she replied gasping and her voice sounding strained. "Try not to clench your teeth and keep your body relaxed. It helps." Rikka said softly desperately trying to help her friend. "Thanks" Alice croaked. Her eyes suddenly closed and few moments later she was asleep. "Alice?" Aguri said clearly about to panic. "Don't worry she's fine. This was bound to happen sooner or later." Rikka's mother explained. "What do you mean?" Mana asked her voice breaking. "She's been like this for days and hasn't slept since the pain started. The exhaustion just caught up to her." she explained. "Well at least she'll be able to get some sleep." Rikka stated looking relieved. "Don't get too comfortable. Alice will probably wake up in a few hours, the pain hasn't gone
away after all and that won't be enough sleep." her mother reminded her daughter. "Now come on let's leave her to rest." They all walked out of the room, Makoto was last. "Get better soon Alice." she muttered before leaving the room.
Sorry that it took so long to post this chapter! Well I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

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