Chapter 12

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Last Chapter- It wasn't that far of a walk so I made it there in no time and once I walked in Harley and Ivy where there admiring the Ruby so I roll my eyes. "Hello Y/N" I smile at them and then I go right to my room to see Joker waiting for me I look at him "yes Joker did you need something" he nods "well ask" he smirks "I need your help in finding out the Bats and the Bird's identity" I start to get a little worried but then start to smirk "when do we start".

Well here's the next chapter, I hope you all enjoy it


I was going over plans for how we were going to find out the bats and his little birdy friends identity, I will say I am excited to find out who bird boy is under that mask. While I was going through the plans I got a text and I look at my phone it was Dick

Text Convo

Dick: Hey do you want to come over

Y/N: Of course I would love to, i'll be right over

Dick: Can't wait but do you want me to send Alfred to pick you up

Y/N: No I can walk but thanks for the offer my kind Boyfriend

End Text Convo

The only reason I did that was to get him all flustered so I chuckled to myself but then my eyes widen 'crap I have to choose something to wear' I ran to my closet and picked out a cute outfit (One in the picture above). I grabbed my phone and headed out the door and then started my walk to the Wayne manor and once I got there it was only like a 30 minute walk which wasn't bad since I run around roof tops at night, I chuckle to myself and I walk to the front door and knock but then I am immediately pulled in and it was only Bruce Wayne so I look at him Confused "uh it's nice to meet you again Mr. Wayne but I came here for you son so could you tell me where he might be right about now" he then pulled me up the stairs and put me in a room and the I heard the door lock.

So I ran to the door and tried jiggling the door nod but to no luck and then I heard laughing and I recognize that laughter anywhere 'Joker' so I then took off my clothes to reveal my uniform and I then grabbed my mask from my head bend 'the flowers cover it well' and I then took the lock picker from my shoes and I picked the lock to the door and I went around the house to look for Dick but then I ran into Robin and I punched him anyway and then pinned him to the ground and held his wrist with a strong grip to make sure he wouldn't escape.

I looked down at him with sympathy and he looked at me confused "what are you doing I thought we were friends" I look the other way but then I buff his hands and I check his gloves to make sure he has no lock picks and he then tried to wiggled his way out of them. I look at him "i'm sorry" then he looked at me "why" I then reach for his mask and I was about to pull it off but I was kicked off of him.

I look up and it was Batman and I looked a few rooms down he had taken out Joker so I stand up and start running and I turn to see them both on my tail so I make a turn and I then tap my watch to find my way out of this place but nothing came up and I turn to see Robin on a holographic computer that's on his arm 'nice' I thought to myself but then snapped out of it. Hes jamming the single so I can't find my way out of here so I make a right turn only to be met with a dead end so I stop running and turn around to see if I could run back and it was clear and I was about to start running back but the came around the corner.

So I backed away but the remembered that I still have fear toxin with me so I start to smirk when batman starts to talk "give it up V/N" but I just smirk even more and I drop the fear toxin bom and it comes out like a smoke bomb except it's green so I make a run and I slide right between them and I make a run for the room I saw Joker in and once i got there I didn't see Robin and Bats behind me so I took Joker and went out the door to see Harley in the car and Ivy standing by the front door of the house ' he must have called them before he got knocked out' so Ivy helps me with Joker.

Once we got to the car we saw Robin and Betsey come out so I stuck my head out the window and blowed a kiss and then Harley and Ivy laughed "Bye Bye Birdy and Batsy been nice playing with ya" then Harley punched on the gas and we made it home in no time.

Time Skip

Once I got settled down in my room and out of my uniform and changed into the outfit I had before I was thrown into a room by Bruce and all this mess started, I then felt like I was forgetting something then it clicked "Dick" so I ran out of my door again and I got to the rooftop that he first kissed me on and I pulled out my phone and texted him

Text Convo

Y/N: Please meet me on the top of the building we first kissed

Dick: Why what's wrong, did something happen

Y/N: Just do it please

Dick: Ok i'm on my way

End Text Convo

I waited for about Five minutes before he showed up and he started walking to me but I ran to him and hugged him so hard we both were on the ground "what's wrong usually i'm the one excited to see you not the other way around" I then looked up and him "what are you talking about i'm always excited to see you I just like to see you happy and flustered" he blushed and smiled shaking his head. I then put my lips on his and he put his hands on my waist and i leaned more into his touch but then he pulled away " I love you" and I looked at him surprised but then smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips "I love you too" then we continued to have a little make out session 'I love being close to him and feeling his love in his touch,he always treats me like i'm the one and only thing he cares about romantically and that's one thing I love about him'. Then I feel a presence behind us so I pull away and I think he felt it too so we both looked up at an angered.......


Well that's it for this Chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and it Whelmed you (😂) don't pay attention to my bad jokes.

My Flying Grayson ( Grayson x Reader) (Editing )Where stories live. Discover now