Chapter 3 (✅)

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I turn to my dad "one more surprise you will be staying with all three of them for a while" I look around and turn back to him confused "three" he nods and points behind me I turn around "Ivy" I run up to her and hug her she chuckles "hi my girl" then I turn to my dad and nod and then we all leave 'I can't wait to see what trouble we're gonna cause'.


I love it here at Jokers and Harley's headquarters also Ivy's it's awesome. I am just sitting around listening to music until I get a text 'who is texting me, I never get any texts' then I look at my phone it's Dick my face turns confused.

Text Convo

Dick: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: how and when did you get my number 🤔.

Dick: 😶😶😅😅 I may or may have not....put it on your phone when you weren't looking....

Y/N: Ok well....since your texting me did you just want to talk or did you want something?.

Dick: uhhh I really just wanted to text you.

I blush when I look at that text

Y/N: Ok well let's catch up.

Dick: 🙂🙂

Time Skip

Y/N: Well it's getting late I should go.

Dick: Ok well good night Y/N....It was nice talking to you again.

Y/N: you to Dick Goodnight.

End Text Convo

I set my phone down and lay down on my bed why am I always blushing when I'm around Dick do I possibly...Like him then I start laughing "Y/N" I jump and look at the door it's Ivy and Harley "what are you laughing at dear" "it's nothing what did you guys need" they start to smirk so I start to smirk to "we're gonna cause trouble aren't we" they both nod "get your uniform and a dress" I look at them confused and then Harley perks up "oh yeah we're also going to a party".

I shrug and Ivy walks out "we will wait outside for you" and she closes the door then I smirk and go to my secret floor safe and pull out my uniform and hold it up I smile and then I put it on and then I start looking through my closet for I start to pull dresses. After 1,000 dresses I find the perfect one so I pack that in a duffel bag along with some makeup and everything. I grab the bag and go outside where a limo pulls up we all get in and I see that the driver has a lipstick stain on his cheek me and Harley look at Ivy smirking and then we all high-five.

Time Skip

After a not-so-long limo drive we finally get to a party for some retired cop so we all go in a back way and then to the ladies' room so we can change. Then we all came out of our stalls looking fabulous we all turn to each other and Ivy starts to walk out while Harley comes up to me and we do our handshake and walk out following Ivy and we all split up.

While they start to mingle I just go and lean up against the wall and a server comes up with a drink tray with water he stops at me and I take one "thank you very much" I turn to my right as he walks away and start to drink until I hear a familiar voice and I turn around and my eyes widen its Dick with another girl my heart drops a bit 'I hope that she's not his girlfriend' I frown and set my glass down and try to sneak to Ivy and Harley but just my luck "oh hey Y/N" I let out a sigh and smile and turn around "hey Dick".

He comes up and hugs me I hug back and when we pull away he just stares at me and I try not to blush but sadly fail. The girl he was with clears her throat then me and Dick look over at her she just stands there awkwardly then I take a closer look at her she's gorgeous how could I ever compete with that I just start to frown. Dick walks over to her and stands next to her "this is Barbra, Barbra Gordon" my eyes widen and I look at the banner at the front of the room James Gordon Retiring then I look back at her and smile shyly.

She chuckles and looks back at the banner also then turns back to me "yeah he's my dad" I chuckle nervously "yeah well Dick I should go and it was nice meeting you Barbara" I need to get the heck out of here and warn Ivy and Harley but then I feel an arm turn me around it's Dick I look away from him "hey what's your rush" then I look at him with a shy smile "nothing ok I just have... other plans" then I pull my arm away and I get out of there and I think Ivy and Harley saw me run out and followed me as I was about to get in the limo "Y/N dear what's wrong" I turn around it Ivy "it's nothing but can we just go" she looks into my eyes seeing sadness and they all follow me back into the limo and back home.

Time Skip

Once we get back I have like 6 text messages from Dick since I left it here for the party

New Text Messages

Dick: Hey Y/N are you ok?

Dick: Y/N did I do something wrong at the party?

Dick: You know you can tell me right.

Dick: Are you ok?

Dick: I just want to make sure that everything is ok between us.

Dick: Y/N?

End of New Messages

I turn my phone off and get changed into my pj's and hide my uniform I went to wipe my eyes they felt wet and they were. I was crying so I cried myself to sleep thinking 'what a terrible day'.

Well, that's chapter three I hope you enjoyed it, Stay whelmed. 🙂🙂👋👋❗❗

My Flying Grayson ( Grayson x Reader) (Editing )Where stories live. Discover now