A Little Easier...Please?! *1*

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  • Dedicated to My cat Tallulah

I feel to my knees crying on the cold garage floor. My cat was sick and my mom didn't think she was going to make it through the night. I had faith in her, I knew she would make it. I gasped for air as mascara ran down my face leaving black trails. I truged to my room in true pain. I felt lifeless and numb.  

The next morning I woke up and my eyes felt puffy and my vision was foggy. My mom and I were bringing Tallulah to the vet's office to see Dr.Hunter.  

"Good morning,"said Dr.Hunter, the veternarian.  

She observed my face. A look of sorrow crossed over her. I held Tallulah's limp body and peered into her eyes, it looked as if she waas barely hanging on to life.  

"I'll need to get some bloodwork done." she said walking to the back.  

My jaw clenched. I gazed back down at the shivering cat in my shaky arms and held her a little closer to my body. I leaned back against the paneld wall and prayed as hard as possible. Tensiion filled the stuffy room as Dr.Hunter came in with the test results. Our gazes locked.  

"I have some bad news," she mumbled,"Tallulah is terminally ill and will eventually have to be put to sleep."  

I let out a shriek of terror,"NO!"  

"You can continue to give her medicine but it will only cure her for a few days at a time," she said calmly,"you need to make a decision."  

I once again fell to my knees and started sobbing. White fuzziness filled my head. I had two choices; be selfish and make her suffer or do the right thing and put her out of her misery.  

"I want what's best for her." I spoke.  

Dr.Hunter gathered the shots and I kissed the best cat in the world goodbye. I put her on the table, then layed my hand on top of her and watched as Tallulah drifted into a much better place.

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