chapter 7

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"the sky is beautiful this morning isn't it" I smiled as I look at the bright blue sky with a rainbow across it.
"It shore it's" she agreed.
"So , what's your name?" I asked still staring at the sky.
"My" She porsed for a second "I.. I don't have a name" as she spoke her voice be to shake as she started to drifted off into thought.
"Didn't your perants name you?"
She shuck her head "no, not that i rember, mummy and daddy use to cell  me cupcake or kido alot aspeshly daddy.." teirs became to form in her beautiful bright green eyes. "I.. I never Rilly got to spend time with mummy or daddy. They.. they were always working."  I gave her a sad smile as I opened my arms towards her. " I didn't get to know my perants to well ether" she looked up at me "Rilly" she snuffed, I nonded in agreement "yes unfortunately".
"Come one let's go inside your gunna catch a cold out here plus I am shore your hungry huh." She shuk her head as she got up from the floor, " no Iam not hungery" as she spoke her tummy let out a massive grawl i stared at her as we both berst out laughing.
"Come on let's go inside and get you something to eat.."
"Ok" she nodded happily as she tulk my hand and walked inside dragging me behide her.

It have bin just over 3 days Sisns​ Nero attacked me.. I am shore the school are probly out looking for me as we speek and Nero whuld be acting all carm and inasnt. He can't take this place the humen rase maybe stupid but there a Yung and nieve spese they need to be nercher and pushed in the right direction not distroyed.

"Are you ok.." she seid with a worrys look  on her face her words Snaping me out of my thoughts, nodding I smiled at her.
"Yes I am fine just thinking, any haw we need to think of a name for you know don't we.?" She nodded in agreement as we walked slowly into the old Fram stiel kichin , the cuberd doors were comeing off there hingis as rust started to take over. There was a light cream colour paint on the walls that was pealing off into the old and worn dawn black and Wight chess bord stiel tiel floor. Noticing some of them were broken I picked her up not wonting her to cut her feet as she was walking to the cooker. 
"so.. what do you think of the name soul"?  I asked as I placed her dawn on one of the metter stalls next to the gray brecfust bar.
"Mmm" she sat thinking for a second looking up at paint perling secling , then she nodded "I like it " she seid doing a big beeming smile at me.
"Good so soul.. what do u facey for food? I mean there's not much here " I soke as I wonderd round the old creeking kichin looking through the cubbers to see that there was only few  can of soup ,eggs ,milk , flour and shugger.  She shrugged her shoulders "I don't know. Iam not Rilly that hungery " as she spoke her tummy rumbles again. I looked at her smiling , " mmm well I think your tummy says other wise kido.. I know lev it with me .. ok"
"Ok"  she nodded waiting pashuntly.
"Mm ok let's see if this place still have gas and running water"  I trun the cooker nob waiting to heir the click but nothing, siying "I gess that can be exspeced .. well this place has no gass .. what about water " I mutted to myself I look at the old rusted looking taps that sat next to the cooker, i trun the hot tap and Tommy serprie hot running water become flowing tho into the sink.
"Waa this place still has running water !?" Soul shouted in serpize , chukkling I nodded "looks like it, mmm what I whuld kill for a nice hot bath right know" 
"You know there is a bath just dawn the hall that still works" soul seid pointing out the room.
"Well let me make you something and then I may have to steal it" I chukkel at her.
"Why whuld you steal a bath" she spoke with a very pizzed yet seuse look on her face. I berst into laughter as I trun around back to the cooker looking for a friying pan
" What... Baths are hevey, I don't see what is so funny. Daddy seid that stealing is a bad thing to do" she seid still sounding very puzzled.
" No .. haha I didn't mean it in that way" I spoke though my laughter.
"Then haw did you mean?"
"It is a way of saying that you Rilly won't some thing, I wasn't achly going to steal it" i seid still chukking as I look as one of the cubberd to see what look to be an old rusty frying pan with  just a littel metter strip as a Handel were the wooden bit use to be. I qwickly wosh my hands under the hot water making for they were clean before Grabbing the frying pan and placeing it on the hob then grabbing the faur ,eggs and milk and begin stering together useing my hands.
"O ok.." she seid rocking gently back and forward on her cheir.
Afder starting evething in I wish my hands again and click my fingers makeing a tiny flam apeir in my hand, I then trun the diel on the cooker planing the flam on the ring  makeing the foyer form a ring I place the pan ontop of it. "O this place dose have gass afder all just no starter" I mutter.
"Waaaaaa that was so coool!" I heir soul shout across the room, "you can make fire from Ur hands..?" She spoke with exsiment.
Smiling as I continue cooking. "Yes.. I can control the eleamnts" I exsplained.
"El..Elam..elamntes what's those" she seid trying to get her tung around the word.
"They are, wind, fier ,Edith, water and last but not least ssperit" i seid tuning around and placeing the frinig pan on the tabel with a hug thick pan cake in it, she looked at me amazed. Smileing in sprinkel the shuger on it for her, reminding myself that she is only a child.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2017 ⏰

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