chapter 6

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shaking my head " no!... Nero we are better then this i mean come on were meant to save the human rase not to kill it!" i back away from him as he take his hand from the door handle shaking his head. "hahaha o my dear girl haw do you think we are meant to live hmm?"  as he steps towards me now starting to not look like his self  " animal blood its not that hard..." he gave a evil grin shifting ever so closer. gulping I keep my distance from him. "whats wrong with him I I thought he was all for helping every one he seemed that way anyway." i wonder as his head cracks to the side unnaturally as the bones crack. " you have it wrong my love we aren't meant to save the human race... we are meant to kill them for there is just us in pawer.." he hissis "just think no more worrying about be cort  no more needing to hide we would hold all pawer in our hands" pits and he clenches his fist still slowly coming closer to me laughing "we be gods of the new world" he start laughing uncontrollably sicoticly " no .. no your wrong!" shaking my head from side to side "your wrong our race are better then that" stoping laughing  stars at me staring  saying nothing then in a blink of a eye he was gone i look around franktinly trying to find him "looking for me princess" my eyes widen in shock as i heir his voce come from be hide me with his right and around my wast and his left holding my chin up in the air exposing my neck. I struggle trying to get free from his grip as he titans it digging his nails into my skin making me bleed. " go!"? i crock my voce shaky but stern.  he breaths closer to my neck licking it running his fangs along my skin "your mine know... you heir me" he voice hard and demanding as he slowly sinks his teeth into my neck, flinching i try to pull away but he bites harder as his grip titans. "n...Nero..s.stop yo...your...t..taking to much b.." i struggle to get my words out as i start to become fant. feeling my body starting to go limp i master up all my strength "I said NO!" i scream as a berst of pawer in shape of a  blue orb appears over me showing him back into a tree be hide me ripping his fangs from my neck.

breathing heavily feeling my news wobble i stand my ground as much as I can " ohh so much pawer... its kind turning me on..." he chuckles getting up from the floor brushing him self off wiping the blood from his lips "what the fuck is wrong with you!" I spoke in just  a beer whisper hoping it sounded founder when it was. "this.. my love .. this is why i wont you as mine.....ha .... look" he points to were he fangs were i lift my hand up to feel the rise in my sine of what feel to be a marking "what have you done to me" he smiles his cocky half smile " I told you... your mine" my eyes widen "no... no you haven't" he says nothing with my hand over my neck i take off into the morning sky flying as high and as fare as i could from him as i fly away i here him laughing "you be back..." "what just happened" i whisper trying to stay wake as i feel myself losing continuous. i look ahead to see a small town "i should be safe there for know" I mumble seeing one old looking mention on a hill sounded by trees, trying to stay awake i go to land in the back gordon by the trees "its hard to with dubbed vision zooming and out" i though banking hard leaning agents one of the trees breathing heavily  stumbling up to the door to the old big red wooden door covered in mold. until back out....

"wake up.... hay!" i hard as a soft voce spoke from a distance spoke. open my eyes i see a very worried looking little girl with blonde heir and bright green eyes stared at me, her face was covered in mud , her cloths were torn like rags. her grip was soft yet Ferm as she help my arm.

"miss are you ok" she said conserd she only look to be about 10 years old. " I .. I am fine" I gone as I sit up in pain holding my neck . "that asshole" I mutter under my breath. quickly resizing what i said "shit sorry i don't mean to swear" covering my mouth. she smiles as me giggling " thats ok miss i don't mide"

"wait were ur parents" i asked looking around.she looked dawn like she was about to cry "o I am sorry i didn't mean to..." she smiles weekly as she looked up at me with tiers in her eyes shaking her head  " no its ok .... my mummy and daddy are dead they died when i was 5 years old, they were killed my some kind of angle or vampier along side my hole village  .. thats the day i stopped trusting people, thats the day i become an orphan the day i became homeless.." as she spoke tiers rolled awn her face and her  voice become shaky. shocked i pull her into my arms hugging her titely rapping my wigs around her. "o sweetie.. you poor little thing, i wont let anything happen to you... you remember what this person looked like" she snuggles into me " it was a man with wings and that his name begun with a N thats all i remember" "NERO" I grawl she nodded "yes thats it... Nero" she spoke with slide shock

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