(1): Then and Now

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*Hey guys! :)) so, I got all nostalgic after re-watching all the High School Musical movies. So, I decided to start a Zanessa fanfic :)) hahahahaha <3 I know, I know. it's a little outdated, but hey. They're one of my favorite couples, both on-and-off screen. Wishing they were back together </3 hahaha. Hey, a girl can dream right? :) oh well. Hope you like it! :D Love y'all*

Zac Efron


Take my hand, I'll take the lead

And every turn, you'll be safe with me

Don't be afraid, afraid to fall

You know, I'll catch you through it all 

"Zac," I heard Vanessa whisper to me when we were in my room together. She was in my arms, both cuddled on my bed under a fluffy blue blanket.

I sighed and looked at her, pushing her hair away from her face. "Yeah?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Always," I said, tilting my face to look at her. She smiled softly and placed her hand on my face.

"What do you think is gonna happen after this last movie?" she asked. "When we finally graduate from East High and leave Troy and Gabriella behind?"

"Why are you asking me this?" I asked.

"I just want to know," she said, fiddling my hands with her fingers. "Because, what if everyone's right?"

I sat up and pulled her into my chest. "About what?"

"About the fact that we're actually just puppy-love 'high school sweethearts'?" she asked, her eyelashes brushing against my chin.

I sighed and kissed her forehead. "That's not true," I said. "They're not right. We're more than that. We'll always be more than that."

She nodded and said, "I love you, Giant. Always."

"I love you too Laker, always," I whispered back. "Now, go to sleep. We have our movie premiere tomorrow."

She nodded again and rest her head on my chest, drumming her fingertips on my hand. I wrapped my arm around her waist and tucked her head under mine, kissing the top of her head once.



"Zac," someone sighed for the nth time, waking me up. "Hey, get up. It's time for your meditation and reflection."

"Can I meditate on the fact that I don't want to reflect on anything?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes gently, yawning. "What time is it anyway?" I asked.

"7:30, as usual," the voice said again. I opened my eyes wide and finally realized who I was talking to. It was Michelle, one of the nurses who was assigned to my room. She was a forty-something woman who looked just like my mom. Incredibly sweet and caring too, plus a kick-ass mom to two kids. "Now come on and get up."

"But I'm sleepy," I muttered, propping myself up on my elbows. "Can we skip the whole meditation and relfection moment and just wake up by breakfast?"

She laughed and sat down on the edge of my bed. "You can't imagine how many times I've wanted to do that, hon," she said. "But unfortunately, according to the people in charge, sleeping past 7 is a lazy, unproductive act that has no place in this system or any system for that matter."

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