(3): It Was Just Yesterday

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*Sorry, I needed to deal with some personal stuff HAHA. Anyway, much-delayed part 3. Hope you like it and actually vote for it please. HAHA. Anyway, here it is.*



"So, this is me, trying to tell you that I love you," I said. "I love you, Vanessa Anne Hudgens. Will you please come and meet my parents?"

I stood there in complete silence, trying to gage the reaction I would be getting. Instead of what I expected, I got a round of chuckling, immense laughing, snorting, and possible farting.

"Why do you sounds so constipated?" Corbin asked me, tossing the basketball at me. I caught it quickly and began to dribble it.

"No, you sound like you have a foot up your butt," Chris said. "That is not what you want to sound like when you're asking a girl to meet your parents."

"Plus, you look like you just ate a bad taco at Taco Bell," Ryne said. "I mean, your face got all scrunched up like you had day-old guacamole or something."

"You guys aren't helping," I said, launching the ball at Ryne. He caught it with both hands and chuckled loudly.

"I wasn't trying to," Corbin said. He looked at Chris and Ryne and asked, "Were you?"



"You guys really make me question what friends are for," I said, slumping down on the couch. "How am I going to ask her?"

"Dude, seriously?" Chris said. "It's been two years since you two started dating, or something like that. Don't you think she wouldn't even need you to ask her? You could just be like 'Hey, wanna come over for dinner tonight? My parents would love to see you and finally talk to you in person.' It's not that hard, Zac."

"Easy for you to say," I said. "I don't want it to sound like a platonic invite."

"How in the world would it even be platonic if you two are already dating?" Ryne asked. "How can she not have met your parents in those two whole years?"

"Alright fine," I said. "I'm not asking her to meet my parents. She's actually seen them more times than most of my family members."

"Idiot," Corbin joked. "So, what is this really? A marriage proposal?"

He thumped Chris on the shoulder and they both laughed, Ryne joining them. I stared at my hands for a few seconds and Corbin cut them to stop.

"Efron, I was kidding," he said.

"I didn't say anything," I said.

"I know," he said. "But the mere fact that you gave me that little silence after I asked that, is not a good sign. You aren't honestly asking her to marry you, are you? You're a 21 year-old who still needs his mom's approval on his shirt. You can't be serious."

"You're being a douche," I snapped. "Well, listen. It's our 2nd anniversary and I just want her to promise me something."

"And what would that be?" Ryne asked.

"If I asked you, you'd think I'm being a sappy, whipped, cheeseball," I said. "I just want to ask for advice, you guys. How will I do it?"

"You're asking three guys with just about as much love experience as six year-olds," Chris said, laughing after. "Dude, you know how to do this. You're just way too nervous to admit it."

"I don't say this often, but Chris is right," Corbin said. "Zac, whatever it is that you want V to promise, I know for a fact, she's going to hold up her end. It might sound sappy, but that girl is as in love with you as you are with her."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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