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"jihoon stop poking me dammit" jihoon giggled and shoved his short nailed finger into the redheads shoulder once again. soonyoung sighed in annoyance, shaking his head and pulling the large black blanket up to his chin. jihoon rolled his eyes, getting comfortable once again, the blanket wrapped tightly around his tiny waist.

the younger male felt his eyes droop a signal that his exhaustion was catching up to him. jihoon had been watching movies with soonyoung since noon, and it was almost 2am now. he forced himself to stay awake, focusing on the bright screen in front of them, but he hadn't been paying enough attention to know what was going on.

soonyoung didnt seem to mind went the brunette would fall asleeo during the movies, at least he never told jihoon that it was an issue, so jihoon usually fell asleep during a film, leaning against the older. jihoon snuggled into soonyoungs shoulder, pulling the blanket farther up to his neck before he sighed and closed his eyes.

soonyoung glanced down at the younger, smiling at how peaceful he looked, and he found himself admiring his features. his eyebrows were soft, relaxed, and perfectly poised above his eyes, and soonyoung shook his head. his eyes trailed down the boys soft features resting on his thin pale lips, and he swallowed heavily.

soonyoung had always liked the brunette but he didn't know how to tell him. his friends were no help, minghao always telling him to say it straight, and jeonghan saying to be sweet and indiscreet, yet soonyoung didn't actually understand what he meant. he had tried to work up the courage many times before, but he always changed his mind due to his awkwardness.

soonyoung sighed unintentionally wakig up the sleeping boy next to him and he gave him an apologetic smile. "sorry" jihoon frowned before he shifted again staring at soonyoungs face, studying him. "whats wrong?" soonyoung shook his head, uncomfortablly coughing as he turned his attention back to the movie.

jihoon huffed and asked again, his voice slightly harder, and the redhead knew he wouldn't be getting out if the conversation. "i might have a small crush on someone but im not sure how to tell... them" soonyoung shrugged his shoulders, trying to ignore the smirk forming on his friends face.

"oh really? how about you just tell them? cant be that hard" soonyoung scoffed, dramaticly turning his head towards the shorter, who was resting his head against soonyoungs shoulder. "yeah i can totally go up to a good friend of mine and say 'hey dude i like you' like that'll go well"

jihoom laughed rolled his eyes, eying soonyoung. "but didnt you do just that?" soonyoung coughed, doing a double take and staring jihoon down. "what?" jihoon sighed and pointed at himself, and then began to speak very slowly as if soonyoung was a child. "i already know you like me, chan told me" soonyoungs mouth fell open, and he began to curse the fact that he told the blabbermouth about his attraction towards the brunette.

he shook his head and proceeded to watch the end of the movie, but jihoon refused to allow him to do so. "sooooooonie" soonyoung glared at the younger, fighting the urge to walk out the house, his embarrassment was worse than the time he tripped in front of the entire lunch room.

"soonyoung. look. at. me." soonyoung glanced over at him and jihoon gave him a sly smile. "never said i wasnt okay with it, but i do want to make you work for it" soonyoung huffed regretting the fact that he had the biggest crush on the most sadistic asshole in the world. "how so?" jihoon smiled and snuggled into soonyoungs side, quite comfortable regardless of his next sentence. "you have a month to make me fall. you in?"

soonyoung closed his eyes partly in annoyance and partly in bliss because of the option that he could finally claim the younger. "so if, in a month, you fall for you, i get to officially call you mine?" jihoon nodded closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep, his last few words slurred together.

"maybe you can call me baby"

Hey y'all im back with another soonhoon fic~. im going back to my roots with seventeen and soonhoon. i hope y'all enjoyed this first part

whisper ♡

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