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soonyoung had his head in his hands, his face redder than a stoplight and he huffed in annoyance. "shut the fuck you limp dicked bitch" chan snorted at the insult, taking a sip from his water as he rolled his eyes. "how would you know if my dicks limp"

the older furrowed his brows and lifted his head, pointing down at the boys crotch and shrugged. "um im your best friend? plus ive seen you naked plenty of times to know" it was chans turn to blush and he stood up, walking towards the cabinet and grabbing a bottle of pain killers. "when?"

soonyoung cought the bottle before it could smack him in the forehead, and he popped the cap off. "once when we were really young, that time i had to wake you up and you slept naked, and then about a year ago when i wanted to shower but you were just getting out" chan sighed glancing down at his crotch and shaking his head. "nice to know that ive forgotten all of that"

"yeah well i havent, im gonna need to see jihoons dick to ever forget yours" chan smirked at the older, winking as he filled a glass with water and slid it across the table to him. soonyoung grabbed the cup, saying a quick thank you before he headed down the hall to his bedroom.

when chan interrupted him amd jihoon last night he decided to let the intoxicated boy sleep in his room, and he would take the couch. as much as he liked the boy he wasnt sure they should be sharing a bed when one is drunk and the other has no self control half the time, so he saved themselves the embarrassment.

only, soonyoungs embarrassment was only beginning seeing as the younger male had heard the entire dick conversation he and chan had a few moments before. when the purple haired male pushed his door open he expected to see a sleeping or hungover jihoon, but instead he was greated with a smirking devil and a sense of worry flowing through him.

"im gonna need to see jihoons dick to ever forget yours" soonyoungs turned bright red and he started speaking, his words tripping over each other and the youngers laugh echoed through the room. "soonyoung shut up im just messing around" the older turned his embarrassment into irritation and he handed the boy the water and meds, sending him a cheekt wink before he turned towards the door.

"for that you get to stay in here.
all day. alone. enjoy your day jihoonie" soonyoung smirked as he shut the door, hearing an irritated yell from inside the room, and he walked back out to chan. jihoon sat on the bed, debating on leaving the room seeing as nothing was keeping him inside, but he shrugged, getting comfortable on the bed and closing his eyes.

i have no idea what this is tbh but it happened. i may or may not be writing the next part rn because i have way too much time on my hands

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