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double update cause i feel like it and because im busy all day tomorrow and wednesday so i wont be able to update.

jihoon stretched, his arms pushing against the headboard and he let out an exhausted sigh. he rubbed his eyes as he forced himself to sit up, licking his dry lips as he stood up, and he walked towards the closet. grabbing a pair of soonyoungs jeans, which were way to long foe him, a shirt, which was also too big, and a large red hoodie he stretched again and pulled the door open.

he wandered out into the main room, expecting to see a poof of purple on the couch, or anything signaling the boy was home, but he was greeted by darkness. the boy sighed, flipping on a light switch and he glanced around the room, looking for his phone so he could at least call the older.

when he finally found the small device, he unlocked it to see a ton of messages, some from seungcheol, some from jeonghan, and most from chan, but not a single one from soonyoung. he frowned as he unlocked his phone going through seungcheols messages first.

coups hyung
sent @ 12:36am

coups hyung
sent @ 12:37am

coups hyung
sent @ 12:39am

coups hyung
gdi jihoon i can just fucking text you something like this wake the fuck up
sent @ 12:40am

coups hyung
istfg if you dont wake up rn im gonna call you
sent @ 12:41am

coups hyung tried to call you, call back?
coups hyung tried to call you, call back?
coups hyung tried to call you, call back?
coups hyung tried to call you, call back?
coups hyung tried to call you, call back?

coups hyung
gdi jihoon wake tf up soonyoung needs you
sent @ 12:53am

jihoon stared down at the last text in confusion, but his phone buzzed again, catching him off gaurd. he picked up the call without glancing at the id, and before he could say hello he was cut off.

"oh my god jihoon thank god you answered!" it was chan, and because of his mass confusion jihoons asked the only question he could. "whats happening?"


jihoon rubbed his eyes as he stood next to seungcheol, the olders arms wrapped tightly around his waist and he could feel his heart beat. it was going faster then it should be, meaning the male was scared, and knowing that seungcheol, the strongest man hes ever met, was scared, meant something.

jeonghan stood next to chan and seungkwan, who all started intently at the door, waiting for it to swing open and for someone to give them answers. the door didnt open for almost an hour, but when it did, jihoons heart broke and his only support was seungcheols arms. tears started to form in his eyes as he waited for the man in white, with daek red blood stained everywhere on his coat to speak.

"hes fine, hes in his room if youd like to see him"

jihoon tugged forwards, dragging seungcheol with him as he practically ran to soonyoungs room, pushing open the door to reveal a pale and sullen, purple haired male. he rushed to the side of the males bed, taking one of his cold hands in his own, pressing a light kiss against the back. the olders eyes fluttered open and he glanced over at jihoon, smiling softly. "hey"

"dont fucking hey me you idiot! i thought you died how the fuck can you wake up from fucking surgery and just say 'hey' as if nothing fucking happened?! do you realize how fucking scared i was soonyoung?! god i thought i lost you because of some idiot who cant fucking drive but the only thing your gonna say is hey! god i fucking h-"

jihoon was cut off when soonyoung placed a long finger against his lips and pulled him into a hug, swallowing heavily. the dark haired male sighed, hiding his face in the boys neck and he squeezed his eyes shut. "dont ever do that again" soonyoung chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to the youngers forehead, and glancing over at the other four males who were all smiling at the site.

why you may ask. i dunno i was watching a drama last night and this kind of a scene happened so yk. plus im a hoe for angst and this story is pure fluff, so i had to.

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