Chapter 3

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David led you to the counselor office, while Nikki and the boy, Max, stay behind and do whatever they want to do. "It's great to have someone working as a counselor! Gwen would actually be very happy to have a new counselor on board!"

'Gwen? Probably another counselor and that you're not the only girl around here, too' David turns around to face you. Now, that you two are alone, you never get a good look on the guy. David wears a green t-shirt, which your guessing is the counselor shirt because it has a pine tree on it, a crop top brown vest, a yellow bandanna around his neck, some knee-length dark gray or brown shorts, long socks with some hiking shoe, you guess.

'This guy is really into nature' You move across the clothing and then look at his face. Reddish-brownish hair color, some few freckles on his face (Which will probably look adorable!!) and his eyes...

His eyes are forest green.

'Omfg his eyes are so gorgeous'

You tired to look away, but you can't. You were so memorize with his eye that you didn't see his hand waving at your face. "Hello? Um.....(Y/n)?" You snapped out of your little daydream and blushed lightly. "S-sorry, um w-what are you trying to say?"

He chuckled a bit. "Well, I was saying that are you ready for the interview?" He smiled. "Yep, I-I'm ready"

(After a long ass interview, well not really..)

"Are we done yet?"

David sweat marked at your comment. "Yeah, we're done with the interview!" He smile nervously. "FINALLY!!"

You realize that you just shouted at him then you look at him wide eyed. "Hehehe....s-sorry" You rub the back of your neck.

He just shake his hand and smile. "It's ok, this the first time I have ever interviewed someone so maybe that's why it takes so long" He nervously chuckled. You sigh in relief, thinking he's looking at some weirdo.

"Welp, now that you are hired, do you want to have a tour around the camp?" You looks at David's eyes. His eyes are showing pride and full eagerness of Camp Campbell. You did a side-smile. "Sure, why not?" He grinned cheek to cheek. "Grreat!! You're gonna love it and you'll even get to meet my co-counselor, Gwen and the campers!!"

You lazily smile and shrug. "Cool" You both got up and walk towards the door. As you were about the reach the door handle, David quickly got the handle first and opens the door for you. You mentally try not to blush. First his eyes now this?! 'Not only a cinnamon roll but a fucking gentleman?!'

You try to keep it cool and not have a melt down. "Thanks" You smile slightly. You walk out of the door as David follows. "Our first tour will be the flag pole and let me tell you, the flag is awesome!"

You chuckle softly at his little remark. 'So cute..'

'WAIT A MINUTE (Y/N)!! YOU CAN'T FALL IN LOVE ALREADY!! THIS ISN'T SOME 'True love at first sight~' NO!!'

You narrow your eyes at that thought. "I'm not in love.." you mutter. "What did you just say?" You froze and quickly replied. "N-nothing!" David just stare at you then smile. "Great! Now we are here!" You look up to see the flag.

The flag said "Camp Campbell" with a tree, like David's shirt, and the bottom it said "Campe Diem." You don't know what that means.

"This flagpole holds the legendary name for Camp Campbell!" He sigh. "I can't help but give honorary salute every time I see it." He said as he saluted.

'Are you kidding me?'

The salute was the Shocker

'Is he oblivious or...'

What are you trying to show me? (Camp Camp!! David x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now