Chapter 2

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You jolted as you woke up. You look around and notice how dark it was. Grabbing your phone from your nightstand, you look at the time.

4:57 am woke up that early?

You were sweating and your breathing rapidly as well. You decided to get up and use the bathroom. Once you enter the bathroom, you look yourself at the mirror. The hair was messy, but it's always messy every time you wake up. You rub your eyes and use the toilet.

Exiting out the bathroom while you heard the toilet flushing, you head back into your room. You would go back to sleep, but you decided to do something else. You don't want to go back into that nightmare. This one was worst then the others.....'I think.....I don't remember or something......ugh'

"Maybe some light exercises." You thought back about what you just said. "Wow, I was never that productive into doing exercises" That was something new.

You change into some clothes that is suited for exercising, like some sweatpants and sweatshirt. Finishing up tying your shoes laces, you head into your living room. It small and cozy, which you like very much. You walk inside the kitchen to get some water.

You place the water bottle and place it on a small table which has a potted plant. 'Did I forgot to water the plant?' You shrugged at that thought. "I do it later." Like you said that to every activity you try to do in high school.

You stand in the center right between the couch and the tv stand. You put on a determination face on. "Alright, let's do it"

(Time skip for 30 mins)

"I CAN'T DO IT!!!"

"Why did I decided to do exercises again?!" You were in pain, especially on the legs. You were sweating like a pig and your breathing was short while coughing a bit. "AHHH" You face planted onto the ground. "What time is it?" You look at the clock.

It was 5:35 am

"FUCKING HELL?!" You groan in agony. It was only 5:35. "I was hoping it would be 6" You sigh and got up from the ground. "Maybe a cold shower.." You dust yourself off and walk in the bathroom. "Forgot my clothes!" You marched back into your room to get a spare cloths.

After taking a cold shower to get yourself up, you change into a pair of jeans, a light shade of grey jacket and underneath it was a black tank top, some socks and some shoes and that's it..

"Oh wait.." You wander back into your room to reach a certain bracelet with little charms. "Didn't want to forget you" Putting on the charm bracelet, you got out of your room and look at the dining table. "Oh yeah, the job thing"

You got out your phone from the jacket pocket and look at the time.

6:09 am

"Holy shit, I took a long shower.." You shook your head. 'Focus! Remember you need a job' You sigh and put your phone back in the pocket. "Wait...what is Camp Campbell exactly?'

(Time skip for you entering a car)

You've been driving for quite a while. You have been using the GPS to help you find the camp. While driving, you were humming your favorite music. Maybe you should get (F/S), you maybe a chocolate freak, but you like that sweet very much.

Your stomach grumbles. "I knew it I should of get a eat more breakfast.." You were busy packing to have (pancakes/waffles/French toast/) because apparently in order to be a counselor you need to stay in. You sigh and focus back on the road.

As you looks up, you realize your in a old western ghost town thingy. It seem old western, considering that it the buildings looks outdated, and the fact it is a ghost town is well...not that many people showed up.

"Is this Sleepy Peak?" You rose an eyebrow. "I guess it's cool?" You continue driving while the gps guides you, or was guiding you when the gps suddenly lost connection. "Great! Now how am I suppose to find Camp Campbell?!" You sigh and keep on driving to the forest.

Then your luck came when a sign with a old ,but apparently looks young, man. And you mean it, the guy looks like he a gamble rich man. But, what do you know?

You turn left and was driving straight. "Man, that's a lot of trees.." You huffed and saw a wooden sign that said "Camp Camp" apparently the "Bell" was removed.

"Guess, I'm here" You stop the car and got off, not forgetting to take the keys. You enter the camp and was looking around. 'This camp looks far' As you were wandering around, two children was trudging behind you.

"Hey lady!!" You turn around to a little boy wearing a blue hoodie and a little girl with teal hair in pigtails. 'Two kids? Wait, maybe they can help me find the counselors' "Hey-" "What the fuck are you doing over here?" You're quite shocked that someone as young him can say curse words. But, it's a new generation and somehow kids are staring to act like teenagers? What?

You clear your throat a bit and stare at the blue hoodie boy. "I'm here for the job listing as a counselor." The boy raise an eyebrow then it shifted into a glare. While the teal haired girl just tilted her head. "YO DAVID!!" The girl shouted with her hands cupped. "Nikki! What if she's a cul-"

"Did somebody called me?!"

You jumped a bit as a sudden redheaded appear out of nowhere. "What is you need, Nikki?" He smile enthusiastically. How can this guy be this happy?

The girl, Nikki, points towards you. "This lady wants to be a counselor!" You stare at the Nikki and the guy, who you presume to be David. David looks taken back at Nikki then looks at you. You smile awkwardly and wave. "Yep, I'm here to be a counselor." You chuckle softly.

David blink and was grinning like a child opening up a present at Christmas. You felt uncomfortable for a moment. "That's wonderful!! We can't wait to have you here!" You kinda expected a interview or something. You didn't think that this camp is that desperate. 'I mean they can hire anyone, even a murderer!'

"DAVID! At least interview this person before you can quickly hire her, you god damn idiot!!"

'I agree with the small, angry child'

"What if she's a cultist like the one before you hired?!"

'Yeah, you gotta- WAIT WHAT?!'

"You hire a cultist?" You stare at David bewildered. 'This guy hired a cultist?!' Now the word 'cultist' has appeared in your head and you remember reading the newspaper.

David rub his neck sheepishly and nervously laughs. You mentally face palm at this guy. David clears his throat. "Anyways, Max you're right and you missss..." David pointed at you. "Oh, I'm (Y/n) (L/n), but just called my (Y/n)" David smiles genuinely. "Pleasure to meet you, (Y/n)! Anyways, like what Max said, I need to fully interview and make sure you're not a psychotic, murderous person!"

'How can you said that so casually?!'


You suddenly has doubts.

This chapter is quite long

Hope I didn't make you upset

The reader takes place after season 2, episode 1 and some chapters will follow the other episodes or some will be created by me

Anyways, buh bye!!

What are you trying to show me? (Camp Camp!! David x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now