Chapter 8

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You were casually sitting on your, well David's bed that he let you're still waiting for the new bed that you manage to purchase, anyways. You were staring at your charm bracelet. You didn't wear it in camp due the amount of dirt everywhere and you didn't want to clean all the dirt from your charm, so you place it inside the drawers.

You sigh and shook your head. "Why do I still keep this?" Thinking long and hard your memories began to flooded back into your  brain. Inside your mind, two figures appear into your head. A male and a female. They're holding hands. Smiling.


Rapidly shaking your head, you didn't realize you dropped the bracelet as your hands were on your head. "Stop thinking about it. Stop thinking about it." As you were repeating those words, your memories began to slip away. Taking a really deep sigh, you pick up the bracelet, then place it back in the drawer. "Stupid memories...." you mutter.

As you were done with that little fiasco, you walk out the cabin to see multiple campers, texting on some calculators. You rose an eyebrow. 'Are the kids seriously missing their phones that they grab some old calculators and pretends to be as a phone?'
"That is sad...."

You walk towards one of the campers, which happens to be Dolph. You saw him in his art camp, texting on a calculator.....and talking to it... 'Wait, what?'
"I think juices should be in some sort of safe to make sure no one will get the juices....hmm...maybe I can add some bob wires around it, what do you think Neil?"
Then a computer like voice speak in Neil's voice from the calculator.
"I think that's a wonderful idea, Hail Dolph."
Dolph smiles in delight and went out to the shaft.
'Oh my fucking god, he's actually getting bob wires..'

You silently walked away and found David working some woods. He seem to be chopping them up for the bond fire. You were in the zone, until you realize how strong David is. He's chopping up a wood with an axe, with one chop. 'How strong is he anyways?!' Then you stare at his muscles. His muscles were as big but looks decent. His peach, wax flower skin with cute little freckles on his biceps. 'Wait a minute?! Did I say that his freckles were cute?!' But you can't deny how he looks so adorable yet also can be handsome at the same time. 'Author, if you keep on typing-' And his gingerly, fluffy hair bounces as he turn his head towards you with his dreamy green eye.


Oh shit....

As you were shouting into nothingness, David tilt his head and began to worry about your sanity. "U-um, (Y/n)? Are you ok over there?" He shouted since you were about 15 feet away from you. You blink in realization that you accidentally shouted. 'You're a fucking asshole, Author'

Oh, I know. -smirked-

You clear your throat as a blush form into your face. You rub the back of your neck sheepishly. "I-I'm good!" You shouted back at him. "Just accidentally speaking out loud without my mind." You chuckled nervously. David put his axe down and walk towards you. "Welp, I'm glad that you're A-O-K!" He said happily like he wasn't suspicious at all.

You and David had a little chat for a moment, until he bought up something that broke you in the inside a bit. He was dating another girl. Her name is Bonquisha. He describes her as a lovable, strong gal he ever have. Then you began to question yourself. Was that little moment last night a fake? Does that mean nothing at all to him? Is he just like them after all?

You began to feel a bit bitter to David, but shrug it off. David seems happy to be with her. You sigh mentally and give a little goodbye to David and head out to the campers.

What are you trying to show me? (Camp Camp!! David x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now