"he's annoying"

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"I don't even know what you like so much about this guy." I say while sighing at Gabbie's constant attempts at grabbing the attention of the most annoying boy in the school.

"Liza, this is important to me ok?! Please support me.. I need you. You know I get super nervous when I see him. But I need to talk to him and I need your help."

"I'm not fu.."

"Pleeeeeeaseeeeeeee" she interrupts while I'm getting my books out of my locker for the next period.

She uses the number with the puppy dog eyes, which I hate because I always fall for it.

"Fine." I let out a sigh of annoyance.

"Great!" She smiles at me and starts clapping her hands. "I got an idea."

"What genius?"

"You go over there, start talking to him and then I'll pop up to the situation and make it less awkward or something.." She excitedly says.

"What the..? No. I'm not doing thaa.." I try telling her before she gives me a push before I bump into someone.

All my books and assignments fall down making a huge mess in the hallway.

"Oh my.. I'm so sorry." He says.

"Yeah yeah." I say while getting down to grab everything.

He starts acting all nice and grabs my books and assignments.

While trying to grab my notebook our hands accidentally touch.

He had warm hands, in comparison to mine that were freezing, but now slowly warming up in the shelter that his were forming.

I look at him and he looks back at me.

He flashes me a smile and I try disconnecting my hand from his.

I get up and he hands me my notebook.

"Hey, I'm sorry for that again." He says.

"No, uhm, it was my fault, I.." I try replying, finding it a bit hard to.

"I'm David by the way. I think we hadn't met before." He says smiling, and reaching me his hand.

"I.. I am.."

"Hey guys! Hey David!" Gabbie interrupts the conversation before I even get a chance to talk to him. She grabs his hand and gives him a high five.

"Hi.. uhm.." David replies.

I start leaving before hearing his voice again.

"Wait where are you going?" He says running up to me grabbing my shoulder for me to stop.

"I don't even know your name yet."

"It's okay, it's not like I matter anyways."

I start running away until I go to my special hiding place, and I see that he's not following me anymore.

What did just happen?

Diza OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now