it's a fucked up world

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It's a fucked up world we are living in.
People kill other people.
Animals gets abused.
But worst of all for me is the people who looks down on other people.

•Girls who doesn't support girls.
•People who start a fight just because the other person made a fanpage to someone.
•people who hates on you just because of some bullshit some other person said.
•People who compares them selves to others.

It's a really fucked up world we are living in.
You can't be yourself, you can't say whatever you want to say, you can't wear whatever you want to wear, you can't do anything.

Is this the world we want our kids to grow up in?
We need to fix this in some way.

Girls should support girls
People should help you with your page, not make you delete it
People need to listen to the truth
People need to stop comparing them selves to others, saying that they are the better person.

It's a fucked up world and I don't want to stay here anymore..

Grow some balls people.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always." ~ skam ♡

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