"Depression is.."

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Depression isn't crying over a bad grade on a test and having mascara running down your face at school.

Depression is being awake at 3 am in the morning and not feeling like your life has any purpose.

Depression is feeling happy during the day then the moment you get home collapsing on the ground because you don't have the energy to stand.

Depression is not being able to force yourself to move out of bed and hating yourself even more for it.

Depression is sitting alone in your room, holding your head in your hands, crying because nothing seems worth it.

Depression is thoughts whispering to you that it'll never be okay and it'll never get better.

Depression is wanting to sleep forever because every little thing drains you so much.

Depression is locking yourself in the bathroom at school because you can't handle another second feeling the sadness you do.

Depression is feeling sad and lonely and hopeless and worthless but for no particular reason at all.

Depression isn't just an angsty teenager with a black hoodie on looking sad and staring into the distance.

Depression is a mental illness and needs to be treated as such.


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