04 ↠ 'rosie?'

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AS I SAT AT HOME watching old cartoons I kept thinking about what Ben told us at his house yesterday

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AS I SAT AT HOME watching old cartoons I kept thinking about what Ben told us at his house yesterday. I wonder if the well house is still around. It would be cool to check out with the guys.

As I sat there I heard the door open and close. I assumed it was Hazel so I went to greet her.

"Hazel, is that you?" I called walking down the stairs. I didn't get a reply.

"Hello?" I called again. I turned round the corner to come face to face with my sister. My dead sister.

My brain went into overdrive as I backed up my hands shaking like mad.

"Rosie...? I-it can't be... you're dead." I asked as my back hit the wall.

"Hey baby sister." She replied. The look in her eyes told me it wasn't her, it told me to run, to get out as soon as possible. But I was frozen. Unable to move. I was scared out of my mind.

"G-g-go away." I stuttered. "You're not here. You can't be... I seen you dead!"

"That's were you're wrong little sister, for I am very much alive." She replied moving closer to me. She reached her hands out and ran her hands over my face and hands.

She was cold and her eyes had no emotion in them. She looked like a dead girl walking. Which, I suppose, she was. I wouldn't, couldn't, believe that my sister was standing in front of me.

She died, I seen her dead. I cried for 6 months non stop about it. She's not here, it's my imagination or something. But I could feel her touching me, you can't imagine that can you.

To be honest, I was terrified. I pushed past her and sprinted for the stairs. Once I was on the second floor I ran into my bedroom and locked the door. I started to cry but I knew I had to figure out an escape plan.

As I sat on my bed, trying to decide how to get out of this Rosie started bagging on my door. I jumped and let out a little scream.

I knew if I could get to my sister's room I could slide down the drainpipe, I've done it before to get out of the house. Hazel gets a little controlling sometimes. I grabbed my hair spray can and walked slowly to the door.

The banging got louder and quicker the closer I came to the door. I took a deep breath and unlocked the door, pushing it open and spraying the hair spray in Rosie's face.

I bolted towards Hazel's room and I could hear Rosie running after me. I got into Hazel's room and slammed the door shut. I ran over to her window and I couldn't get it open. Typical.

I grabbed my sister's chair and smashed it against the window causing it to smash. I climbed through and stood on the ledge. Suddenly a clown burst into the room. The door flew off and split into two. I screamed again. The clown ran across my sister's room and I shuffled as quick as I could to the edge.

The clown reached his arms out the window as he tried to grab me. I grabbed onto the drainpipe and slid down. I landed on my butt at the bottom. I looked up and the hands had vanished. I rested my head against the wall and broke down in sobs.


I was running down the street trying to wipe my tears away and wrap my head around what had just happened. I knew I couldn't stay at my house, not after what had just happened.

I wasn't really looking where I was going and I ran straight into another body. I jumped up thinking it might have been someone I would have to run away from again.

"Vivian, are you ok?" It was Stanley. I shook my head as more fresh tears made there way onto my face. Stanley wrapped his arms around me. I was slightly smaller than him to I rested my head against his shoulder as I continued to cry.

"It's almost curfew, we need to get you home." Stanley said as he started pushing me lightly towards the direction of my house as he walked with me.

"No! Please Stan, please don't make me go back, I don't want to go back please!" I begged him. He looked slightly confused but nodded all the same.

"Ok, well, um, you could probably come to my house I guess." He said after a second. I nodded my head, thanking him.

He took hold of my hand and started leading me towards his house. He told me he'd have to go in first to check I could sneak in.


I followed Stan in once he gave the all clear. We walked up his stairs and his dad walked out of his office, he was reading what looked like a book.

"Stanley?" His dad asked not looking up. I ducked down so I was behind Stan and couldn't be seen.

"Yes father?" He replied.

"Your bar mitzvah is soon, have you learnt your reading yet?" His dad asked looking up from his book.

"No yet father, I will learn some of it tonight." Stan said, his father nodded his head and walked back into him office.

Stan let out a sigh of relief and we continued up into his bedroom. He prepared a bed on his floor with some blankets and pillows.

"Thank you so much for this Stan." I said giving him an embrace. He smiled and hugged me back.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No, I'd rather not." I replied. He nodded his head in understanding.


Once the morning came, I decided to leave before Stan woke up. I walked down stairs and climbed out of an open widow.

I walked towards my home and the window I had smashed was suddenly fixed. Once in the house I walked into Hazel's room to see her door back up and not on the ground split in half.

I seen Hazel still asleep so I ran up and got in her bed beside her. She woke up.

"Oh my God! Viv! I was so worried about you! Where have you been!" I said nothing. Instead I just wrapped my arms around her.

"It doesn't matter, I'm glad your here Hazel." I said on the verge of crying again. She didn't say anything back she just lay back down and we both fell back asleep, feeling safe with eachother.

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