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Chapter eight: Bonding time with Snape
"I'm coming" I yell after my cousin who is all geared up for Qudditch practice

"Hurry up" he walks faster, I run to catch up with him

"Hurry up, nah" I mimic him waving my hands in the air. I jog beside him and see the Gryffindor Qudditch team huddle up together outside

"Potter, what did I tell you, no outsiders" some Scottish dude tells my cousin

"She won't tell anyone" James assures him "will you Lily?" He asks me, I shake my head and rock myself by my feet

"Just don't interfere" Scottish dude tells me, I nod my head and smile up at him which he returners "I spent the whole summer devising a whole new Qudditch program" He tells his team as we make our way to the Qudditch field

"I'm Lily" I run up beside him

"Oliver" he smiles down at me "we are going to train earlier, harder, and longer" I notice him look up ahead, I look up to see the Slytherin team coming out way "what the" Oliver says "I don't believe this" he scoffs, I furrow my eyebrows. Harry walks on the other side of Oliver "what do you think your doing Flint?" Oliver asks the caption of the the Slytherin team

"Qudditch practice" Flint says in a duh tone making me roll my eyes

"I booked the field for Gryffindor" he tells Flint who rolls his eyes and pulls out rolled up parchment

"Easy Wood" he hands Olive the parchment "I have a note" Oliver takes the papers and unrolls it.

He clears is throat before reading "I Severus Snape her by give the Slytherin team permission to practice today for they need to train their new seeker" he finishes handing it back to Flint "you have a new seeker, Who?" He ask him.

The other team parts revealing a familiar blonde boy "Draco/Malfoy?" My cousin and I ask at the same time

"That's right Potter" he snickers ignoring me "and that's not all that's new this year" he looks down at his broom that is a Nimbus 2001

"Those are Nimbus 2001's" Ron speaks from beside Harry "how did you get those?" He asks the team enviously making me pity the ginger boy slightly

"A gift from Draco's father" Flint speaks up making my attention turn to the other captain, I narrow my eyes at him

"You see Weasley" Draco says "unlike some, my father can afford the best" he boasts, I snort, I take a step but Oliver puts his arm out stopping me, I look up at him, he shakes his head so I take a step back.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in" Mione smirks up at Malfoy "they got in pure talent" I stifle a laugh a whisper "burn" Oliver nudges me but I can see he's trying to fight back a smile.

Draco turns to my Best friend and glares in her direction "no one asked you for your opinion you filthy little mud blood" he sneers at my friend, I and the rest of the Gryffindor's gasp

"Asshole" I growl "I'm going to kill you you little blonde freak" I hiss lunging at him but Oliver grabs me by the waste lifting me up while I try to punch him with both fists

"You'll pay for that Malfoy" Ron tells him while he takes his wand out "eat slugs" he waves his broken wand but it backfires. Ron flys back landing a little ways away from the two teams, he slumps against the grass

"Ron!" Everyone yells, Oliver runs over to him while he still is carrying me

"Ron! Ron are you okay?" Hermione cries out "say something" she grips his shoulders but backs up when he starts to make gagging sounds

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