Chapter 3

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(Kizuato's car... the trusty Subaru.)

(Jace p.o.v.)

I was scared.

I was sitting in the back seat of Kizuato's car. And guess who decided to sit back here with me?

If you guessed Sam, good for you. You win a biscuit, cookie, whatever you call it!

Just kidding. I can't bake...

But that's off topic! I was in a car with Sam Larson, my bully, my tormenter, the person that made me hate myself so much. He broke my wrist (not personally, but he gave the order), and got me hospitalized. He'd been abusing me for almost a year! I had a reason to be scared!

Why Sam decided to sit his arse down next to the window opposite of me, I didn't know. But I was well aware of the fact that his vicious glare was aimed at the side of my head, and felt extremely uneasy the entire trip.

"Jace, where do you live? I'm bringing you to our house tonight because it's already pretty late, but I need to know where you live so I can bring you home tomorrow."

"W-wait, stay at your house? No, I can't possibly..." I was terrified. I kept stuttering and stumbling over my words.

"Jace. It's okay. You can stay in my room; Sam won't do anything to you." Kizuato smiled. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "And just so you know, I'm not letting you go to school tomorrow. Or work, for that matter." I worked part-time at a small bookstore. I would need to call my manager, but other than that, I was fine.

"Th-thank you... this means a lot." I gave a small smile.

"No problem... you've dealt with enough today." He replied, with a pointed look aimed at his brother. Sam froze momentarily, before ignoring us and staring out the window again. "But I still need to know where your house is..."

I gave him my address, and he frowned.

"You're our neighbor?" I nodded.

"Yeah... I've never really seen you around, though. I always just kind of assumed that you were one of Sam's friends." I spoke quietly.

Kizu laughed, his frown turning to a grin. "Nope. I'm an actual resident of that house... it's nice to finally meet my neighbor. And you're still staying with us- I can't just ditch you at your house without any help."

"It's nice to finally meet you too... and thank you." I smiled softly, but felt my blood run cold when I felt Sam's peircing glare on me once again.

I just want to get home and sleep...

It had been an awful day. That was depressingly obvious; I felt like shit, my wrist was broken, and now my bully and his brother were in a car with me. I felt so overwhelmed... I needed rest.

But the night terrors...

I shook my head, trying to clear the malevolent voices from my mind. The night terrors were a regular thing; I was used to them by now.

Only bad memories is what they really were.

"Jace?" Kizu's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"Did you get your things from school?"

"Fuck. No, I didn't." I hit my forehead with the heel of my palm. "I think all my stuff's still in my locker, because..." I trailed off. When Sam had started chasing me today, I had been at my locker, just about to get my things and leave. I had slammed my locker door shut and ran, assuming I'd be able to later drag myself back.

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