(Hopefully) Short Hiatus

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This time, it's not because of XC or something like that. The thing is, I feel like I've lost a bit of my love for this story.

I mean, it's still dear to me, as are all of the characters in it, but over the last year or so, I've felt like I'm being forced to write by a friend of mine. I know he means well, but last year I was depressed and uninspired, and this year I'm stressed, so I haven't been writing because I want to as much as I feel like I have to. I don't feel like I'm writing for myself as much anymore, it's more to please people.

I can't invest in people who don't care enough to invest in me.

So the fact that I'm constantly being pestered to update this, and the fact that when I do update I have to fight them to read it is bullshit. I wasn't joking when I was saying that it frustrates me. I feel used for my writing, and I hate that- writing is something I should enjoy.

But I'm not enjoying it now.

I might post slower, much slower updates until I'm feeling better and want to come back to this, but don't count on it. This story was almost like my child, but I need to step away from it for a while. I love you all, and I honestly do love this story.

But for time being, I need a break.

I hope you can all understand.



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