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"SO APPARENTLY THIS NEW gang started a few weeks ago and those suckers actually beat you guys in a fight?" I snapped angrily at my...friends. If you consider people that follow my orders as friends, that is. I don't give a damn about most of them though. What was the bald haired guy's name again?

Uh...Fattino? No. Baldino? That should be it, considering the fact that his head was as shiny as my ex's glowing bras.

Wait. That was in my fucking dreams.

Shaking my head to clear the dirty thoughts of her, I looked expectantly at Baldino for his answer, deciding that he would be the one getting tortured today.

His own fault for losing to that damned gang.


I could feel myself growing impatient as my gang looked everywhere but at me. I was not hideous.

No, definitely not.

Seeing that nobody including Baldino was going to answer, I stood up threateningly, taking in the pleasure of seeing my "friends" shrink back in fear.

But seriously. Was I that scary? I never even gave any of them physical harm despite them giving me so much fucking trouble. All I did was pretend to do something torturous to them and so far it seemed to be working well.

Still, I could not blame them. They are sissies who don't have the balls to open their mouth.

"Baldino over there! Can you explain what the fuck just happened to the whole fucking gang?"

I still couldn't believe this damn news! My gang was number one in the entire town and here were my gang members, cowering on the floor with cuts and bruises all over their pathetic faces.

Meanwhile, Baldino jumped at my harsh tone and stammered,"Its...i-it's Bellino." Now, do I look like I care?

Taking one timid look at my face, Baldino added,"Sir."

I raised my eyebrows questioningly. "My question is not answered." I took a step towards him. He took a step back.

"Umm...umm...Well, yeah, that gang is pretty strong." He stuttered. I heaved out an exasperated sigh and demanded,"How long did you last?"

"One minute sir."

What the fuck?!

"Everyone get up now! Clean up and I'm going to see how strong they actually are or that you are just being weak! Meet me at the carpark by Street 91 in ten minutes." I yelled and not even my best friends Noah and Cole dared to challenge my decision, sensing my wrath at the gang's defeat.

I texted the gangleader with the nickname of Raven, scheduing a fight in twenty minutes' time.

I never bothered to make an appearance in the fights my gang had, since Noah was the one who wanted it for his own pleasure, insisting it to be something our gang did purely out of fun, nothing more. But my interest was aroused this time.

Because my gang never lost.

I shall show them who's boss this time.


"Definitely not! I mean, who in their right mind would even watch one minute of the movie? One look at that Voldemort guy would kill me, Cole!"

"But Hermoine's hot!"

"She is, but Shailene in our so called school is way hotter."

"Still! I would totally fuck Hermoine."

"You know you sound like a fanboy right?" Noah sniggered while Cole turned red.

My friends were arguing quite loudly about whether Harry Potter movies were interesting enough to kill boredom if one were to be stuck in an island with the entire series only, nothing else, but as usual, my best friends could switch from one topic to another in a matter of seconds. That's how we work, and we were weird in our own ways.

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