Chapter 1

51 21 34

Hunter Sullivan

MY BEST FRIEND GROANED as he opened the door for me. "Why are you here again at this ungodly hour?" He asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes.

"Hello to you too." I drawled, wincing a little at the pain in my pubis.

"What happened now?" He questioned me, more alert at the pain in my voice. I never felt pain after fights since I never gave them the chance to kick me, but that fucking gorgeous male assumed my gender and decided to kick me in the 'balls' when I stopped because I was having those cramps when running. And to make matters worse, his strong kick was enough to make me bend over.

"The fucking gangleader kicked me when I was having the cramps..." I muttered, jumping onto his bed. A moan escaped me when the soft fabric touched me.

"I love your bed Drew." I told him as I snuggled into the pillow. I heard him laugh and then grumble about being woken up but I didn't really mind.

Sure, I felt kind of guilty for using his place when I did not want to go home but he understands. After all, he was my best friend since elementary school.

"Did you win the fight?" Andrew asked me as he settled down at the other side of the bed.

"I don't know. The leader said something about not hurting girls, God knows why he is like that. I mean, aren't gangleaders merciless and have no gender barriers? I'm sure he killed females before." I rambled. Admittedly I was curious about that guy.

I have never met a gangleader that decided not to fight girls. But I was grateful. Grateful that he stopped when I had the cramps. Obviously he did not know that since I hid my vulnerability well, but still, he did not fight me.

I heard Andrew say something but I was already dozing off, tired after the hectic day.


"He is so hot, like, his eyes are uhh-mazing! Now, look at his hair. It's literally perfect. And his..." One of my girlfriends, Megan, gushed over one guy in the gang yesterday.

It was very unlikely of her to fangirl over a fucking guy since my friends were all badasses, but I could see the mutual attraction radiating off two of them yesterday.

You know, those shit about love at first sight. I never believed in it though, but my best friend was now making me think otherwise.

"Oh God, please shut the fuck up Megan. I need to get this work done." Belle whined. She was like the Karen of the group, except that we all loved her even if she had a high-pitched voice.

"Fine! Or you can go to the library and study!" Megan mocked Belle. I sighed inwardly. My girlfriends were amazing, but they were really immature at times.

"Can you both just keep quiet?" I told them. They immediately shut up.

"Yes ma'am." Megan mock-saluted me, making me crack a smile.

"Yes master." Karen imitated Megan. I laughed, hitting her arm playfully. They were such dorks at times.

"Then I'll go to the library now?" Belle asked me, holding out her hand. I took it and she pulled me up from the ground.

"Bye Meg!" She yelled making heads turn. She ignored everybody and started making kissy faces.

"Oh stop being so girly." I teased my friend. She pouted and flipped her hair.

"Oh my God is that Grayson? He is so hot! And oh my God is that his friend Theo with him? He is so sexy I'll bang him right here on the spot! Wait, is my hair out of place? Yeah? I gotta go fix it. Love ya!" She imitated. I grinned at her dramatic nature and played along.

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