After the Omni force event, the new Bens have been sent off to their new universes, this Ben had landed in one filled with evil humans. Whose souls end up becoming eggs for creatures called Kishens.
But fortunately there is a school that trains stud...
As Ben approached the girl he took note of the fact that currently the end of her pony tail was extended into a chain connected to a blade. He blinked and made sure to have Goop's malleability or GhostFreak's intangibility handy.
"Uh... excuse me" he called out cautiously moving toward the girl, she jumped and out of reflex swung her chain blade at him. Only for Ben to allow it to phase through his body harmlessly, "Okay That was close" he sighed in relief.
"Sorry I thought you were someone else" she apologized, "it's fine, anyway I heard you... er... letting out some negative emotions... a little while ago" he said. She looked and sighed, but nodded, "Are you okay?" He asked, "it's nothing bad at least... just..." she said crouching back down.
"You know, some say a friendly ear and a shoulder to lean on helps ease the greatest pain" Ben said sitting next to her. "Mind if I help ease your's?" He asked, she looked at him for a short time.
Then looked down... and nodded, as it turned out the girl's name was Tsubaki Nakatsukasa. Her friend named BlackStar had revealed a rather... personal secret she had. And according to her little depressed state Ben found her in it was a little too personal.
After a good hour Tsubaki calmed down and thanked Ben for listening, "again thanks" she said. "It's fine, I just don't like seeing people hurt, physically emotionally or otherwise" her replied.
Then they heard a decidedly male voice call out "Tsubaki!!!" It said, the girl in question'e expression went from grateful to irritated. A boy with blue hair then jumped onto the roof, most of his attire was mostly black and white.
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'How did he even get up here?' Ben mused, 'we're like almost three to six stories high'. "What do you want BlackStar?" Tsubaki asked the person.
"You just took off without a trace, we were looking all over for you" BlackStar said. "I just needed to clear my head, although I wouldn't have if you would've just kept your mouth shut" the girl retorted.
"What do you mean? It was only a game" BlackStar said, "only you were supposed to say something that wasn't true" Tsubaki replied. "So I didn't say anything true" the kid had said, "THAT WAS TRUE!!! you saw me last week!" She yelled back.
The blue hair thought for a while before realizing she was right "that's what I thought" she said walking away. "Hey Tsubaki wait, I didn't think it was real you punched me hard that day remember" BlackStar exclaimed.
"Just where did I end up?" Ben asked himself, then the girl turned back almost forgetting about him "oh yeah, BlackStar this is Ben, Ben this is BlackStar" Tsubaki introduced the two.