After the Omni force event, the new Bens have been sent off to their new universes, this Ben had landed in one filled with evil humans. Whose souls end up becoming eggs for creatures called Kishens.
But fortunately there is a school that trains stud...
About now Ben, Soul, Maka, Black Star, Kid, Liz, Patty and Crona were currently in a large lecture hall. Since Ben was going to live in this world an agreement he made with Lord death was to attend the school. "So who's our teacher?" He asked Maka, "oh... uh that'd be Professor Stein" she said nervously.
Soul then grunted "as a heads up, watch your back around him, because of him Maka's father looks a little like a failed sewing project" he informed. Ben shivered at the thought, at that moment a man with white hair wearing a lab coat came in. In addition to the glasses he had the man also bore a screw in his head.
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"This universe gets weirder and weirder by the minute" the shapeshifter muttered. "Morning class, today I was informed by lord death that we have a new student joining us today" he said in a monotonous voice. He then looked to Ben and slightly smirked "would the new student please stand up to show himself?" He asked.
The teen groaned and stood up "hello my name is Ben Tennyson, I..." before he could say anything else Black Star got bored from the slowness and bolted up. "Me and Tsubaki met him first, says he's from another universe and that he can transform into weird aliens!!" He yelled.
Which earned him a double chop, one from Ben and one from Maka "MAKA/OMNI CHOP!!!!"
This information had made Stein's smirk grow larger "fascinating, Pardon Mr. Tennyson but could you please come up for a bit?" He asked the shapeshifter. Groaning Ben obliged, once he did he noticed the instructor inching closer to him. That was enough to trigger a self defense response, and by that I mean Ben had turned his arm into Atomix's and pointed it threateningly towards Stein.
"Soul Evens up there warmed me about your habit to dissect things so if you wouldn't mind I'd like my insides to stay on my inside please" he said sternly. The teacher groaned now that his plan was foiled "phooey, you sure you wouldn't mind being a little d..." He was then cut off when he noticed Ben was now Omni and had several energy spheres surrounding him.
"Do you want to get eradicated with the power of several miniature suns" he asked. Stein then decided to take a risk and went for Ben's Omnitrix only to harmlessly pass through when Ben used Ghost freak's power and got punched by a Four Arms arm.
"I warned you" he said before letting the crazy teacher have it with the nuclear energy. A bunch of students were surprised to see Ben telling Professor Stein off and actually carrying out what he says. Maka then explained that she heard Lord Death tell Ben about him and jay he was free to defend himself.
"Okay... you win" Stein groaned steadily picking himself up, "but what I actually want now, can you display your fighting skills to the class?" He asked. "Well that I think I can do no problem" Ben said, then used a few alien powers combined with some martial arts.