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(So in this story, Bill and Bev never kissed, and Georgie is still alive)

Stan always acted the same.

Quiet and thoughts racing through his mind.

You see, he's been like this since 8 years old. He liked being quiet, but the rest of the group hated it.

He was 18 now.

You'd rarely see a smile on his face unless Bill Denbrough was around.

But even those are fake now.

Bill was dating Beverly, something Stan shouldn't be so rude about, but it made him sad.

He knew it was wrong, he knew his father would hate his guts if he knew his son liked a boy.

Therefore he kept his feelings to himself, like he always did.

The group was together, it being summer right now, the hot air in Derry never compared to the rain.

They were all sitting in a circle at the quarry, Bev and Bill holding hands like they always did.

This is when Ben and Stan became friends. Ben thought Stan liked Bev too, who wouldn't with her beauty? They always say by each other.

Mike was still same old, not interested in anybody in Derry. He had a female pen pal he fell for.

Richie and Eddie were uh- friends? Even though they clearly wanted to be so much more.

"A-Are you okay S-Stan? You seem o-off..."

Stan looks up from the floor and smiled a bit.


"Yeah, I'm fine."

Bills eyes soften.

"Are you sure?"

Everybody's attention was turned towards Stanley.

He nods. He felt so dirty at the moment.

"I'm good Bill, don't worry."

Bill returned the smile and turns his attention back to Bev.

The funny thing is, the group had never seen them kiss.

Richie was convinced they always kept it private.

Then Bev would say 'beep beep Richie' and they'd all laugh.

Stan talks to Ben quietly.

"Do you think they'll be together forever?" Ben asks, like a child.

He had definitely grown into his body. He was so much taller now and looked extremely intimidating. The tallest people were, in this order: Ben, Richie, Stan, Mike, Bill, Bev and then Eddie.

Stan was only about 4 inches taller than Bill now, but he loved when the other had to look up to meet his eyes.

"Probably. They're so happy." Stan mumbled, looking at the two again.

"Lighten the mood guys! None of us are talking to each other! Cmon, lets play a game to lighten the mood. Would ya like that Ed's?"

Richie's arm draped over Eddies shoulder.

"Sure, but don't call me that."

"Okay Ed's, group decision. Truth or dare, or spin the bottle?"

"Definitely Truth or dare, I'm not kissing any of your filthy mouths." Eddie mumbled.

"Yeah. The only filthy mouth you wanna kiss is Richie's." Stan glances up and Eddie, who was red. Everybody else laughs.

"Shut up Stanley! I do not! That's gross!"

"Can't say the same Eddie spaghetti. Kissing me would be a ride for you. We both know that."

Eddie makes a disgusted face.

"Truth or dare it is." Richie grins.

"For your comment Stan, which I'm proud of, you get to go first."

Stan nods, shifting.

"Truth or dare?"


"Boo!" Richie says.

Stan rolls his eyes again.

"Do you still have your poor dick?"

Eddie elbowed Richie.

"Fine! Do you like anyone?"

"Well yes, who doesn't?"


"One question at a time Rich."

Everybody seemed interested in who Stan liked, Bill Denbrough getting the most curious. He assumed it was a girl from his church or something.

"Truth or dare Richie?"

"Dare! I'm no pussy like you are."

"Kiss Eddie."

"Do I still have the option for Truth?"


Richie looks down at Eddie who was red. Richie turns a light shade of red too, pushing up his glasses.

"I think my Uh- my mom needed me to pick up milk so..." Richie shifts, about to get up.

"Oh shut up Richie." Eddie pulls Richie in My the collar, lips colliding with each other's

They kiss for about 25 seconds before breaking it.

"Didn't expect that." Ben whispered.

Eddie covered his face in embarrassment.

"Truth or dare Big Bill?" Richie moved on, trying to calm down from what just happened.


Richie grins.

"Kiss Stanley."

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