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Bill breaks it, his eyes fluttering open.

They meet Stan's gaze for a moment.

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it boys?" Richie teased.

"Beep beep Richie!" Bill said without even stuttering in unison with Stan.

Stan felt warm and fuzzy. His first kiss was taken by Bill. The boy he adored so much.

They play a little longer, in the end, Eddie and Richie were a thing now, Bev kissed Ben, and Bill admitted Stan was his first kiss.

"You and Bev haven't kissed?" Stan asked, shocked.


"You were mine too." Stan whispered.

Everybody walks each other home. Stan and Bill were the last two.

"You never said w-who you l-liked." Bill nudged Stan.

He was deep in thought.

"That's for another day." Stan spoke quietly.

"Is it B-Bev? I'm not g-gonna be mad if y-you say y-yes."

Stan shakes his head s they arrive in front of Bill's house. It was 4 o'clock right now. Georgie was playing outside, keeping his eye on the two.

"No." Stan sighs.

Bill continued guessing everyone in the group, with the exception in himself.

"I-Is it m-"

"Billy! You were right! His hair does look like noodles!" Georgie giggled.

Bill blushed. "Guh-Georgie!"

Stan laughs and picks Georgie up on his back. "Hi to you too Kiwi."

Stan gave Georgie bird names every time he saw the smaller boy.

"How was your day!" Georgie asks, brushing his fingers through Stan's hair.

"It was good. What about yours?"

"Good!" Georgie smiled. (Let's pretend Georgie is still six)

Bill was still a blushing mess.

He would talk this over with Georgie later. Maybe Bill sometimes talked about Stan! Just a little bit.

Bill admired the way Stan was with kids.

Stan lets Georgie down.

"I have to go Georgie... can you keep Bill safe for me?" Stan kneels to the other boys height. Tears well up in his eyes as he hugs Stan.

"C-Can you marry Bill so you don't have to go?"

Stan turns red.

Bill looked down on the two, staring at Stan.

"I can't marry Bill. We're too young." Stan smiled at him.

"You guys are 2 digits though!" Georgie pouts.

"Billy would be a good wife though." He sniffled.


"He has a girlfriend." He doesn't dare correct Georgie.

"Are you his girlfriend?"

Stan grins. He loved Georgie so much, who didn't?

"No. Beverly is."

Georgie hugs Stan tightly.

"I love you Stanley!" He moves to Stan's ear.

"Bill loves you too."

Stan blushed darkly.
Georgie pulls away from the hug.

"You're real red Stanley! You look funny." Stan stands up, brushing off his pants.

"G-Georgie, can you g-go inside a-and clean u-up?"

Georgie nods and goes inside.

"I'm s-so sorry a-about him."

"It's fine. It's adorable how he thinks we're together."

"Y-Yeah..." they were silent for a moment.

"I'm g-gonna g-g-go inside." Bill mumbled.

"Thats Fine." Bill hugs Stanley tightly, his cheeks becoming colored again.

Stan hugs back.

"I h-hope the person y-y-you like l-likes y-you b-back. Y-You're g-great."

Stan frowned.

"Probably not. But I'll try."

They break away.

"B-Bye S-Stan."

"Bye Bill." And with that, Stan's off, Bill leaning against the door frame, watching him walk away.

Georgie was back out, he must have gone through the back door.

"You love him Billy. Billy and Stanley sitting in a tree-"

"I do n-not!"

They go inside, only for Georgie to continue poking fun at his brother

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