Chapter 1 - The Next Heir

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"A heir?" a loud yell could be heard, echoing in the dining room. A young man put away the fork and knife that he held, slightly pinching his temples. "I've seen this coming, but don't you think it's a bit too soon, dad?" he asked to a man that sits in front of him.

"Well, I don't mean that you will took my place right now, I just want you to be ready at any time. You shouldn't worry about this. Take this as a reminder, kiddo." the man said. He is the current Head of Yuuichi Family, Yuuichi Katou. 

Yuuichi are a widely known family, because of the business that the family runs throughout the generations. They're joined with a technology industries, that makes Japan one of the most advanced country in the world.

The Young Master took a deep breath. "You should said so from the beginning. You do surprised me there." he spoke as he continue eating his lunch. Then, his father start to speak again.

"Although I said that, for know I want you to find your future-to-be-wife." he stated. The Young Master frozen in place, with his mouth wide open.

"Wh-wha..t?" he stuttered.

"In short, a fiance" Katou continued.

"I know what do you me- " he stopped a little, trying to gain his composure. "That's not it!!" He failed. "J-j-ju-just tell me the reason!" He stuttered, and took a breath, then let out a long sigh.

"Take it easy young man. I said that I want you to find, not to marry or whatsoever. I'm not going to force you to marry someone randomly because of non-sense reasons. You have the right to choose. It doesn't have to be now, or in the near moment." he stated, and smiled a little. "Just find yourself a girl that took an interest for you. Maybe someone that could withstand your selfish-ness? Hahaha." he laughed a little. The Young Master just sighing in front of him. "I'll give you a year to choose. Is it enough?"

"I think so." The Young Master replied. "But, what if I don't have any 'candidate' in a year?" he continued.

"Hmm, let's see, maybe I'll find you one. But I'm sure you will find it." he replied confidently.

The Young Master sighed heavily, leaning back to his chair lazily, staring to the ceilings. "Dammit old man, you did surprised me today. Twice on top of that." he said. Suddenly, a sound of ringing bell could be heard. "Ah, it already this time?" he said, then proceed to stand up. "Well then, I'll be back to my office. There's still a pile of work left today. It's Monday after all." and then, he took a leave from the dining room, followed by her maid.

The moment the dining hall door closes, Katou opened his mouth. "Hey, Sebas, who do you think he will pick?" he asked without looking to a man in a tailcoat that stands behind him.

"Well, from what i've seen these past 5 years, I'm sure that he'll pick her." the man who called Sebas answered. Hearing that, Katou chuckled a little.

"I see. It seems like that sometimes we do think a similar thought." he said. Then, both of them laughed together.


The Young Master walked down the hall towards his office. It's 2 pm, and the sun could be seen clearly from the windows at his left side. As he walked, he opened his lips

"So, Yui, what's the agenda for the rest of the day, again?" he asked. Then, the maid that walked behind him opened a thick black book, with some bookmarks attached to it.

"Until dinner time, you will have a social studies lesson at the library. After dinner, you are assigned by Yuuichi-sama to organized some documents that he entrust to you. Everything is already prepared in your room, Young Master Kaito" she answered.

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