The M-66s

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Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz

Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz

Disclaimer: this is a non-profit fanfiction that does not attempt to infringe the rights of those who have legal ownership of the franchises: Beetlejuice; Robotech, the sentinels; Black Magic M-66.


Chapter 1: The M-66s


The night was torrid, the jungle vegetation was moving strongly due to the storm that darkened everything except for the times when the rays illuminated the surface of the place for a second. Without warning, the total blackness is desecrated by a deafening noise; powerful lights illuminate the place and the vegetation moves much more due to the motors of several Horizont class transport ships.

Soldiers armed on foot or in Cyclones, spread strategically around the site, while other personnel are responsible for moving and assembling machines of various kinds. In the end, they move a series of huge boxes to the open space that could very well be coffins, which are being checked by a couple of scientists.

"Major, units are ready," reports a soldier to the officer in charge of the operation.

"Professor Matthews, Professor Slade, you can activate the M-66s now."

"Professor Matthews, as creator of the Puppet Project, you have the honor."

An elderly man with very thick glasses approaches the console and with the simple press of a key he makes what looked like coffins open, a fog comes out of them that is dispersed by the storm and then emerges at a steady pace androids that resemble Japanese puppets of natural size to the human, but have female hairstyles. The androids go to the depths of the jungle in the midst of the storm.

The Major heads to a console and speaks through the screen communicator.

"Team Eye, Beholder, Dollar, how's the transmission coming."

"Eye team, transmission without interference. Beholder team, transmission without interference. Dollar Team, perfect transmission, sir."

"Sir, the invid hive has detected the M-66s and already sent inorganics to destroy them."

"Of what kind?"

"All types except hellcats, which are on patrol in gamma sector 7b, but they're coming back now sir."

"Don't worry Mayor, Professor Matthews designed and programmed the M-66s to destroy any kind of inorganics," Slade informed him.

"We will see... I wish the test had been conducted in a calmer climate, but it is the deadline and General Edward wants results not now but for yesterday."

The Major was not disappointed as the M-66 units destroyed the inorganic ones, however, he felt a chill on his back as he saw from the different monitors how the regent's inorganic ones were destroyed. The m-66s not only employed the numerical advantage in their favor, but also used guerrilla and other tactics that used only special shock and retreat forces. The Major expected one Terminator-style "show" and what he saw was something of a ninja clan with black op military training and high-tech weaponry.

Lydia Deetz and the killer droids (completed 2/2)Where stories live. Discover now