Droids out of control

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Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz

Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz




Chapter 2: Droids out of control

Already in the afternoon, a group of youngsters were already having an aperitif.

Lydia, this cake is delicious.

"I'm glad you like it Percy, it's not good that now you can enjoy the flavor of sweetness," said Lydia.

"Heh? Don't cats get the taste of candy?" Ferris asked.

"Nope, cats don't feel the sweetness, how good it is to have taste buds for the sweetness in my human form (or cat boy)."

Their merry conversation was interrupted by an explosion. All the diners felt it and went out to see what was going on.

They saw a source of heat on the other side of the city and on this a black column of smoke, which little by little was harder to observe because the night was already falling. Suddenly, a military helicopter flew close to the street, although it movement was erratic and as it approached to Lydia, she could see that a kind of Japanese mannequin was flying the device and next to it was someone's decapitated body.

The helicopter passed by, but then a series of screams made them look back. An army of life-sized Japanese mannequins were moving on their own and attacking people. The three friends watched the scene for a few seconds still, but once their brains were connected they fled the scene.

"What's going on!" Ferris shouted.

"Girls over here," shouted Percy, pointing to a door that looked like the pantry, and everyone entered the place. Percy being outside, followed Lydia's instructions and arranged to throw the sample snack counter against the pantry door and tore a pair of tablecloths and placed them so that anyone would think someone had already looted the place and no one was inside, then Percy turned into a cat and walked through the door half open.

The minutes passed and it turned out that Lydia's tactics did work, the M-66s entered the restaurant, but did not enter the pantry.

"How long will we have to stay here," Ferris muttered.

"I don't know, I have no signal, all communications are dead."

"I can go out in my cat form and investigate," Percy suggested. Lydia was worried and ready to deny this option, when a noise indicated that someone was trying to get into the pantry. First they removed the table and then one hand tried to open the sliding metal door.

Percy stood in front of the girls and prepared to attack the android when a loud voice rumbled in the place.

"Leakey, are you here?" a woman said forcefully.

"Hey, you're human," Percy shouted.

"Who are you people?" the woman asked.

"Hey, I know you, you're that reporter, Sybel," Ferris said.

"And who are you?" Sybel asked again.

"She is Lydia, Ferris and I am Percy, we hid in this place when the mannequins attacked."

"They're not mannequins, they're experimental combat droids, I suppose."

Lydia Deetz and the killer droids (completed 2/2)Where stories live. Discover now