||Chapter Five||

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-April 2011
Los Angeles, California

Ella awoke to find Bill scavenging the cabinets. He closed the doors loudly, then opened the fridge. She sat up in the sofa, listening to Bill hum as he crouched down, looking to the shelves for food.

For weeks, Bill had been spending the night at Ella's apartment. Come morning, he was usually gone. But to Ella's surprise, that morning he had decided to stay.

"What... what are you doing?" Ella asked, her voice laced with sleep.

"How are you alive? Like... what do you eat?" Bill closed the fridge, folding his arms while leaning his back against the counter.

"It's called Top Ramen. It's how the general college population stays alive in this country. It's cheap and... well, it's cheap." Ella lied back down, throwing the covers over her head.

"What, you mean this shit?"

Ella heard the sound of plastic wrap crumpling, knowing that it was indeed, Top Ramen.

"Yes, that shit."

"No. That- this is unacceptable." Bill said, tossing the block of noodles onto the counter.

"Excuse me?" Ella peeked her head out from the covers, seeing Bill walking toward her.

"Do you cook, like... actual food?"

"When I can afford it." Ella spoke, her voice muffled through the microfiber blanket.

It was odd, although Ella had only known Bill for a few weeks, she felt as though she had known him her entire life. She dreaded the move back to New York in the coming week; unsure of how to break the news to Bill. The first of the month was approaching fast—Ella didn't want whatever romance was happening to end so quickly.

"What?" Bill smirked; his eyes narrowing as he approached her.

"Nothing. You're just... so pretty." Ella giggled. "How old are you, anyway? I don't think you've ever told me."

"Twenty. But my fake ID says I'm twenty-one... America is so weird. I'll be twenty-one in August."

"Yeah, you can die for your country at eighteen, but you can't drink for it. It's some bullshit." Ella sat up, stretching to rid the stiffness in her muscles.

"Don't get me started on global politics." Bill snickered, sitting on the edge of the couch next to Ella.

Bill felt the same about her—she never ceased to amaze him. She was beautiful and clever, not to mention they shared the same sense of humor. It was too soon to admit it, but Bill was falling in love with Ella.

"So I have a rather... intrusive suggestion." Bill said as Ella extended her legs over his lap.

"Intrusive, huh." Ella smiled, looking to his side profile in awe. He was beautiful—more beautiful than he had been when she first laid eyes on him.

He was nothing as she had presumed. Bill was kind and sweet; not a mean bone in his body. She had expected him to leave the morning after they had drunkenly consummated their undeniable attraction. But he hadn't. Instead, they made it a ritual—every night, they would buy booze and talk until the conversation ran dry, then ultimately bed together.

"What if... you didn't move back to New York?" Bill's face twisted, cringing at the possibility of rejection.

"Where would I move to?" Ella sat up, realizing the conversation was about to turn serious.

"I mean... what if we stayed here? I'll pay up the rest of the year and you can sign a new lease. C-c-can you do that?" Bill stuttered, finally turning his head in Ella's direction.

She sat frozen; her lips parted with her eyes wide. She looked dumb. His suggestion made her realize that the feelings she had for him were mutual.

She slowly regained mobility, nodding her head slowly then quickly. "Yes. Yes I can do that." Ella smiled wide.

"Would- would you want to do that?" Bill hesitated again, his lips puckering with furrowed brows. "I-I don't want you to leave. I don't want you to leave, then wonder if you were... you were something I should've... gone after."

Ella threw her arms around him, straddling his lap, planting kissing all over his face. Bill laughed; his hands tracking down her waist to her hips.

"Yes, yes I want that." She spoke through puckered lips, continuing to kiss him.

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