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I just want to thank everyone for the amazing support of this story. I had big plans for it, but I feel like it's time for it to come to an end. Onto bigger things, I suppose.

"What?" Bill asked; his eyes wide as he turned his head in Ella's direction. She had been staring at him from across the couch; a smile plastered on her face with bedroom eyes. The sight caused the corners of Bill's lips to turn up, narrowing his eyes at her in skepticism.

She shook her head slightly, trying to peel her eyes away from the most beautifully oblivious boy she had ever seen.

"What?" He repeated, this time with a smile. He moved down the length of the sofa, clasping Ella's ankles before dragging her to his end of the couch. He placed her feet in his lap, moving his hand along the top of her foot, up her bare leg.

She bit her lip, shaking her head again bashfully. "I love you. That's all."

"Mhm." Bill mumbled with a half smirk, stroking her leg up and down.

"Oh, förlåt... jag älskar dig." Ella smirked; proud she had managed to learn somewhat of Bill's native language.

A year had passed and Ella found herself living with Bill in Los Angeles, as husband and wife. The location was only temporary; work had been far from scarce for the large green eyed boy she could call her own.

He tilted his head back against the couch, his fingertips idly moving across her skin. He looked tired; he had been on his phone for nearly an hour, reading over emails and responding back to his agent. Starting the second of next month, Ella would be off to Toronto with Bill to film his next movie.

"Is that it? Is that really why you've been staring at me for the last... forty-five minutes?" He chuckled. "Smiling at me like a creep?"

Ella couldn't contain herself anymore; she had been holding it in for too long—keeping the secret to herself. Enough time had passed now to finally say something. She crawled over his knees, placing one leg on each side of his lap. His eyes were narrowed with a devilish smirk setting on his lips. He trailed his hands up her waist, squeezing her hips gently as she settled above him.

His breathing hitched in his dry throat as he stared up at her, completely in awe. She hunkered slightly, placing her lips on his as he continued to hold her gaze. Ella was very affectionate, but this was overly assertive and without cause.

"You're kinda freaking me out right now." Bill giggled against Ella's mouth as his hands found their way to her back. "What's going on?" Bill asked; his eyes wide as he watched Ella continuing to kiss him—her eyes were closed, getting lost in his lips. She hadn't noticed his eyes on her; she thought he had been just as into her affections as she had been giving them.

Ella's hands went to Bill's waistband, gently trying to tug his pants down. "Hey, what's going on?" Bill repeated. He sat up, moving her hands away from his waistband. He held her wrists, licking his plump lips as he waited for Ella to answer him.

She kept her eyes on his hands, watching him hold her wrists. She was biting her bottom lip, trying to contain her growing smile.

She had thought of a million ways to tell him, but nothing seemed to fit right. She hoped he would've guessed it by now—the barrage of midnight trips to the toilet, the unexplainable mild fevered sickness that only lasted a week. She hoped he would've guessed it—asked her flat out to save her from having to tell him, but Bill didn't seem to even have a suspicion.

She moved his hands to the front of her abdomen, placing them just below her navel. It didn't register what she was trying to say, he assumed this was her way of telling him that she wanted him. She saw the flicker of apprehension cross his face—his dumbfounded pale orbs blinking confusingly.

Hinder • {Bill Skarsgård}Where stories live. Discover now