||Chapter Ten||

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The week drug by slowly; Ella buried herself in paperwork to avoid Dean and the lingering legal advice she needed from her father about her pending divorce.

"You wanted to speak with me?" Richard neatly folded in his glasses, setting them on the desk before leaning back in his chair. He watched as his daughter closed the door to his office; standing like an adolescent girl dreading to ask a friend to spend the night.

"Is this a bad time?" Ella asked, her voice timid.

"Not at all." Richard sat up, folding his arms down on the desk as he looked to the empty seat in front of him.

Ella cleared her throat, rushing to sit down. She tucked her hair behind her ears, clearing her throat again while staring across the desk at her father.

"Well... what is it?" Richard grinned at his daughter's hesitation.

Ella's eyes grew wide; realizing it was now time to speak. "Um... I-I need some legal advice."


"A friend." Ella spoke too soon, realizing she was destined to trap herself in a lie. "She's been married to someone for a long time, but both have been living separately for most of their marriage. Now," Ella swallowed. "They want a divorce, but neither of them want it be public. Is there any way to have the marriage annulled in-in secrecy?" She stuttered.

Richard's eyes went wide; his gaze shifting around the confines of his office before wiping the corners of his lips. Ella watched as he stood from behind the desk, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he approached the blinds. He drew them closed before turning to face his daughter—his eyes fixed to the floor.

When Richard's eyes met Ella's, she was fully aware than he knew she wasn't speaking for a friend.

"Ella Elizabeth Cates... are you married to that boy?" He asked, his voice low and calm. She could see the storm brewing despite his cool demeanor—he had spoken her full name.

Ella took in a deep breath, not ready to give an explanation.

"Ella," Richard groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "This is bad. This is really bad, why didn't you tell me this?" Richard paced to his desk, bracing his palms on the back of the chair.

"It was a long time ago, I was young and stupid." Ella admitted, finding herself repeating what Bill had said.

"This is more than just some young, stupid mistake. What's his name?"

"Bill." Ella's voice cracked, her mouth closing quickly.

"So his name's William?"

"No, just Bill." Ella admitted, watching her father hold in a groan.

"This boy... he's Dean's lead, isn't he? Does Dean even know about this?" Richard was struggling not to yell; his words strained in a whisper.

Ella shook her head—she was humiliated.

"I hate to break it to you Ella, but there's no such thing as a secret divorce. Had you of told me about this when it first happened, we could've had it annulled." Richard spoke in a growl; his tone firm.

"So there's nothing I can do? No matter what, everyone's gonna know, is that what you're telling me?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you. Damnit, Ella... how could you have kept this from me, and from Dean?"

"I didn't plan on being with Dean for three years, it just happened-"

"No? Why did you move in with him, hm? You should've told him when you decided to move in with him. He has a right to know, Ella."

"I know." Ella spoke defeated, looking down at her overlapped hands. "Just like I knew this would be your reaction. Everyone makes mistakes, huh... that's what you said to me."

"As terrible as it sounds, I don't care who you marry, Ella. As long as they treat you right, I could care less. But to know that you're going to have to stand in front of a judge and face that boy again after everything he put through-"

"I left him. I went to see him the other day, everything's amicable."

"No. Nothing is ever amicable in a divorce, I know, I've represented enough people to understand it."

Ella stood from the chair, smoothing the wrinkles in her pencil skirt before turning toward the door.

"You don't know Bill."

"Neither do you, sweetheart. It lasted a total of what... six, seven months?"

"I can't believe I confided in you about this. I can't believe I expected you to understand, that was my fault." Ella snapped, stepping out of Richard's office. She closed the door quietly, forcing a smile amongst her coworkers as she headed back to her desk.

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