[twenty-three]; Mine

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It was the middle of the night and I woke up because Aleyah was literally digging her nails into my skin and had her legs wrapped around one of mine

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It was the middle of the night and I woke up because Aleyah was literally digging her nails into my skin and had her legs wrapped around one of mine. She was crying hard as hell. I'm not sure if she noticed but she was talking in her sleep.

"No.No.No, Lamar stop bullshitting me, WAKE UP."

I was most definitely awake but clearly she was scared as hell. I turned on my side and looked at her she was still asleep. I got over her after I got her nails out of me and kissed her.

"Baby wake up it's just a Dream. I'm right here." Her eyes shot open, it was low key weird as hell.

"I'm sorry Lamar."

"Come on baby go take a shower, you hot as hell right now."

"This real?"

"Yes it's real Muddas come on." She got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom and I followed behind her.

"Did I do that?"

"Do what?"

"You're arm it's bleeding a little." I looked at my arm and sure enough it was bleeding from her digging her nails into it.

"It's nothing, get me the alcohol and you need to get in the shower baby, I'll take care of this."

"Lamar I'm so sorry."her face softened.

"Come here." She walked towards me. "What you was over there dreaming about princess?"

"You got shot."

"I've been shot before princess."

"You stopped breathing though." Her eyes was focusing on everything but me.

"Look at me,I'm alive baby, imma forever be good with you. This shit gone last forever, I promise you not gone do none of this alone. Okay?"


"Gimmie kiss." She smiled and walked over and kissed me. "You feel better now ?" She nodded her head. "Ight go hop in the shower baby momma." She stripped out of her bra and panties then got into the shower. While she was doing that I was attending to my arm. That shot stung like a mother fucker. I hadn't even noticed I was taking my time with that shit until Aleyah came out the shower and she had been in there for a minute.

When she got out the took the cotton swab out of my hand.

"You doing that oh so wrong."

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