Date: 6

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This is so hard to write because my fingers are covered in blisters from playing guitar without my pick. You're lucky i feel bad for Not updating a lot recently.

Anyway, finally fluff!

Well...not completely.

It is me, what did you expect?

It was Friday, and Dean was grateful. He'd been incredibly busy with his three jobs, getting up at five and working in the scrap yard at Bobby's, then at eleven, going to the diner where he'd take orders and help cook until one. Then he'd go to Cas' vets where he'd groom the animals (it was also a shelter for homeless dogs) and order things like dog food and medicines. Then at five he'd return to Bobby's until nine where he'd return home and sleep.

It was a busy week, and so Bobby had said that after he'd finished up at the vets he could skip work at his, still getting pay, and get some rest.

Dean was currently finishing up with the newest admission, a blind pup with deep blue eyes. He had groomed it and then put it in the large cage with a couple other pups. It wasn't cruel as it was massive.

"Hey, Bee." He smiled, entering the room to find Cas giving an injection to an unconscious rabbit.

"Bee?" He noticed that his eyes were watering and he was sniffing, sadly.

"It's awful." He sulked, looking up at Dean, heartbroken. "I couldn't make him better."

Dean looked at the needle in Cas' hand, noticing what had happened.

Cas had had to put it down.

"Oh, baby. It's okay..."

He pulled the boy into a hug and stroked his hair as he began to sob.

After a couple of minutes, Dean looked into his electric eyes. "Hey, Cas. We've never...actually...gone out. Like on a date."

Cas squinted his eyes and tilted his head, "I never noticed."

"I was thinking...Bobby's giving me tonight off, and since we've not really...caught up...maybe we should go out? Like to a restaurant or a movie..."

"Resturant sounds good. Movies are dark." Cas replied, smiling.

"You dont like the dark?"

"No, I just wouldnt be able to see your eyes,"

Dean blushed, "I'll pick you up at eight?"

"I can't wait that long."



"No, Cas. Seven." Dean smiled and kissed Cas before leaving.

Cas bit his lip and grinned. "Yay!"


Charlie sat in utter chaos, watching Sherlock. Lisa was complaining about her missing hair straighteners that she needed before she left for another party, Jess was talking extremely loudly on the phone and Jo was pacing the room whilst talking about how she will fail her test and have to redo this entire years work of studying.

There was a knock at the door and Charlie groaned, pausing Sherlock, and getting up to answer it.

He looked stressed out and was holding a pile of clothes.

"I need your help" he sighed, running one hand through his messy hair.

"Thank Chuck!" Charlie sighed, leaving and closing the door. The chaos inside was quickly muted. "I hate girls. Wait, no. I love girls. Girls are hot. But, boy, they are annoying. So, what's up?"

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