Scarves: 18

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Friday (still)

A draft of wind slithered under the crack of the window, past the gap in the curtain and across the small room. Neither boy noticed however, their heavy sighs sounding out the small, light whistle.

Both boys were lay on their backs, staring up at the ceiling tired, neither speaking a word.

Lucifer turned his face to the left, looking at Michael, who looked as beautiful as ever. "Are you going home this weekend?"

Michael nodded slightly, "I'm leaving tomorrow morning." He replied in a low, raspy voice that made Lucifer want to do....things. He lifted his arm, looking at his black watch, "I've got a lecture in twenty minutes."

"The bathroom is four doors to the right," Lucifer told him, it coming out as a whisper.

Michael nodded, muttering a thanks as he sat up, giving Lucifer a full view of his bare, back.

Lucifer lay still, not being able to move, as he watched Michael pull his jeans on a grab his shirt.

"I guess I'll see you...."

"Me, Alfie and Balthazar are leaving in a couple hours..." Lucifer told him.

"I guess at home then or...if not Monday."

Lucifer nodded, "we'll sort something."

Michael smiled slightly, "of course."

Once Michael had left the room, Lucifer let the creeping grin spread over his face. To be honest with himself, the grin slipped out as soon as he turned his back to him to open the door.


People say having sex puts you in a good mood for at least the rest of the day. Of course, Michael had already known this to be true due to his experience in the area before, during their stay at the camp, although, it was still a surprise when Michael found himself grinning to himself as he strolled to his lecture, or as he took down notes, or as he made his way back to his dorm.

Despite having felt bad at first for Kevin, after promising to 'keep it down' and then...done the opposite...Michael knew nothing could bring him down from his high. Besides, Kevin didn't appear to be in the dorm when he'd left so hopefully he wasn't there for the whole time...hopefully...

Michael slammed open the dorm door, Samandriel screaming from his usual spot on the sofa.

He was wearing a coat and five scarfs, a small suitcase at his feet.

"Its March. Why the scarves?"

"Why the enthusiastic slamming of doors and that weird thing on your face called a smile that isn't usually there?!" Samandriel shot back.

"Touché but I asked first." Michael replied, calmly closing the door and skipping over to the sofa, bouncing on the seat beside him.

"I packed them for the Winter so now I'm taking them home but they won't fit in my bag."

"Why don't you just take another bag or carry them?"

"So why are you no longer the definition of depression?" Samandriel smiled.

"Ouch!" Michael replied.

"Tell me."

Michael sighed, "I, erm..."

The dorm door flew open, "Get yo shit bitch, we're going home!"

Michael jumped, Samandriel screaming (again) as they both spun around to see Lucifer.

Lucifer was taken aback slightly to see Michael and uncharacteristically (I CAN USE THIS WORD ON FIGHT LIST!!!) became slightly awkward, rubbing his neck, a trait of Dean's that Lucifer had picked up from Cas over the years.

"Erm, Sa-Samandriel, we gotta go, Chu- Er, Dad, wants us home for tea," Lucifer quickly left the dorm, leaving Michael blushing and Samandriel annoyed.

"Don't tell me you two haven't spoken to each other yet?!" He yelled, and Michael couldn't help but internally laugh at the irony seeing as they'd done a little more than talk not two hours ago. "Ugh, fuck this shit, it's too late in the week. I'm going home. Later Mike,"

Michael waved as Samandriel left, before sinking back into the couch, and for once not worrying about the days ahead.

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