Keanu Reeves: 21

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Omg this book still exists!!! Ik!! I'm shook too!!!

I've only read through the last chapter so hopefully I haven't forgotten anything top important. If I forget a minor detail please don't critisize me because the last time i updated was...January!!! And now it's July!!!!! Anyways, onward!

"This place is...beautiful..." Castiel admired, grinning, as he walked towards the quiet, elegant resturant. "How have we even gonna buy food here? We have low-played jobs and all our friends are college students!"

Dean linked his arm through Castiel's, Cas' absent-mindedly leaning in to Dean's touch. "Don't worry about it, I asked Michael the same thing and he said something about donations from a bunch of readers or something, I don't know. Maybe he's been spending too much time with Charlie again."

Castiel chuckled, before excitedly pulling Dean towards the double doors and pulling one open. "Age before beauty." He cued for Dean to go ahead. Which he did. Because obviously Castiel is the most beautiful Prince he could ask for.

When they arrived at a large round table, they found that they weren't the first there as there were already five people scattered around the table talking amongst themselves. Adam was sat at one chair, texting on his phone. He looked up briefly as the two approached, nodding in greeting, before looking back down again. Anna and Balthazar were in the middle of a conversation, something boring about their Dad and his car. They paused to greet the two though, exchanging 'Heys' and 'How are yous' before resuming their conversation. That left Michael and Lucifer, who were quiet. Lucifer was making origami with the napkins, one tongue sticking out the side of his mouth in concentration whilst Michael gazed at him as though he was the most beautiful man in the world. Which he was to Michael.

"Hey guys," Dean greeted, "Great seeing you both together again." He grinned.

They both looked up as Dean took a seat beside Michael, Castiel sitting on the other side of Dean.

"Great being together again." Lucifer replied, earning an evident blush to creep onto Michael's face.

"Sap," Michael growled, to cover it up, before smiling at Dean. "So...good news right?"

"The best." Dean replied. "Kinda wish Mom was here to hear it."

"She'll know." Michael smiled.

"How you feelin', Cassie?" Lucifer asked, grinning.

"I can't even explain it. Ecstatic, I guess? Nervous, somehow." He replied.

Dean took Castiel's hand and squeezed it. "I feel lucky." Dean told him quietly. But not quietly enough because a loud squeal erupted behind them.

"I have no clue what you're talking about but omg that just looked so cute!"

"Hey, Charlie." Dean rolled his eyes. Charlie took at seat beside Castiel.

"So glad that you consider me family enough to invite me in on this family dinner."

"Of course you're family, Charlie." Michael told her.

"You're also dating their cousin."

Michael sent a glare at Lucifer.

"What? It's true!"

"OMG AJSJSKAKAJSJLDLSKAKAKWSJ!" Charlie fangirled, "Are you back together?!"

"Obviously." Lucifer replied.

"Are we?" Michael asked.

Lucifer frowned at Michael now. "No. We just do all the couply stuff and the sex stuff and the pet name stuff as what? Friends?"

"Well maybe we do. You haven't said you like me. I haven't said I like you."

"Are you saying you don't like me?" Lucifer frowned.

"Of course I like you."

"Well I like you, too."

"So are we together now?"

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "I'm sat next to you, aren't I?"

"You know what I mean."



"You're my fucking, dumbass boyfriend. Now shut the fuck up and lay off the beer."


"DEANOOOOOOO!" A voice exploded in the resturant, followed by a surprised screech in the kitchen.

Dean couldn't help but smile as he turned to see Gabriel...galloping?...over to the table.

"Great to see you man! Cassie bro! How's the vocabulary expanding? Anna! Long time no pranking! Balthy, where's your boyfriend? Tired of sucking you off, needed a lie down? Being a vampire must be tiring. Aaron, man! I remembered your name, ha! Lucifia, drop a verse! Mickey mouse, gimme a tour of the clubhouse! Jooooo, Charlieeeee, how's your lesbian? Whoop!" He collapsed on a chair beside Lucifer. "That was tiring."

"Where's Sam?" Charlie asked.

Gabriel frowned, "Hmm, I don't know." He looked around, "Moose? Moose!"

"Hey guys." Sam greeted, calmly sitting beside Gabriel. "What did I tell you about running off?" He scolded Gabriel.

"What did I tell you about letting go of my hand?"

"I was getting out the car!"

"No excuses!"

It wasn't long before the others arrived, including Samandriel who somehow managed to get Adam to peel his eyes away from his phone and interact.

It wasn't until dessert was served and everyone was quietly eating that Dean and Castiel decided it was a good time to reveal their news though.

"Guys," Dean spoke loudly, seriously, earning the attention of the whole table. "There's something Cas and I want to tell you, which is the reason why we're all here today." He smiled.

"I thought we came here to eat." Gabriel muttered, shoving more ice-cream in his mouth.

"Let him talk," Ellen lightly scolded.

Dean grinned, taking Cas' hand as they both shared eye contact before looking at the rest of the table, "We're getting married!" Castiel declared, his grin somehow growing.

Just like that the table was in uproar as they were smothered in congratulations and hugs. Then the rest of the dinner was spent making plans, lots of which were never gonna happen.

Sorry Charlie, but it would simply be impossible to have Keanu Reeves arrive on a unicorn during the vows. Pfft, this isn't some fanfic.

As they're friends and family talked about them, batting ideas to one another like a ping pong ball, it finally sunk in.

They were going to be married. Together forever. And nothing was ever going to prevent or ruin that. They wouldn't let it.

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