Chapter 2

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Ariel's POV
Elena, Trevor, and I have been waiting for about 5 minutes now and I'm growing bored. I was thinking about if Damon and Stefan we're going to save us just as Rose and a man in a suit walked in. He saw Elena and sped over to her. Elena tensed up as he leaned his head down and smelled her neck.
"Human impossible," he muttered to himself.
He looked at me and gasped. He looked at Rose and Trevor.
"Is this a joke. How the bloody hell does she have purple eyes?" he questions them.
"We don't know but she does. Elijah she is the one you have been searching for for a thousand years," Rose says quickly.
'Wait Elijah as in the one Katherine was talking about. She wasn't lying,' I thought to myself.
Elijah turned his gaze back on me. He walked swiftly to me but was stopped by Elena.
"Stay away from her," she practically growled.
Elijah smirked but never took his gaze off me as if I would disappear if he looked away from me.
"Move out of my way. I would like to get to what is mine," he says to Elena.
"She is not yours," Elena says.
'I am not someone's property,' I sign.
"Why isn't she talking?" Elijah growls.
"She's a mute," Rose says.
"Why?" he asked.
"We don't know ask her?" Trevor says.
"Why don't you talk?" he asked me.
'My parents died so I stopped talking. I haven't talked in 3 years,' I signed and he nodded.
'I'm sorry for your loss,' he signed.
He walked forward a bit but again Elena stopped him.
"Stay away from my sister," she yelled.
"You two are sisters. I don't see any resemblance," Elijah said with his British accent.
'Elena is adopted,' I signed.
'That makes since,' he signs back.
I smile at him and he trembles slightly. I raise an eyebrow at him. Elena turns to me and grabs my arm pulling me away from Elijah. He growls and steps forward. I stop him with a look. The entire time he never took his eyes off me. He grins at me happily.
"Come you two it's time to go," Elijah said.
He grabbed Elena's arm roughly but mine very gently. He looks at me.
"You're gorgeous," he whispers to me.
'Thanks,' I signed.
He smiled and turned to Elena, who stood there with a shocked face.
"Move," he says pushing her slightly.
He gently pulls me along.
"What's your name?" he asks me.
'Ariel,' I sign.
"As in the Disney Princess, Ariel?" Elijah asks.
'My mother loved Ariel and mermaids,' I sign.
He smiles and says, "I love your name."
'Thank you Elijah,' I sign.
"Elijah wait!" Trevor calls out.
"Yes Trevor," he asks stopping.
"I am terribly sorry," Trevor whispers.
"You are forgiven. You have found the girl I have been searching for my whole life. Thank you," Elijah says looking at me.
"No need to say thank you Elijah, I should be the one saying that. So thank you Elijah," Trevor says and bows.

Third-Person POV
Elijah nods and takes his hand off of Ariel's arm. He grabs her hand softly and intertwines their fingers. He smiles at her. She grins back at him looking at Elena. Elena looks so confused.
"What are you doing?" she mouths.

Ariel's POV
I shrug my shoulders when I suddenly hear a door slam.
"What was that?" Elijah asks Rose and Trevor.
"I don't know," they say together.
He looks at Elena and she shakes her head. He looks at me and I shrug with wide eyes looking around slightly scared. Elijah must have noticed because he pulls me closer to him.
"It's okay, Gorgeous," he whispers to me.
I look at him and instantly calm down. I nod as he starts walking towards the front door. Super fast wind past us and Elijah stops walking. Rose and Trevor have followed us and instantly get into fighting positions.
"Up here," says an all to familiar voice, Stefan.
Elijah hands us over to Rose and Trevor. He looks at me with gentle eyes. He speeds up the stairs when we hear another voice.
"Down here," again it's a familiar, Damon.
Elijah speeds down the stairs quickly coming over to Trevor, who is protecting me.
"Up here," Stefan says again.
Elijah speeds upstairs as someone speeds towards Elena and I. I get taken to a wall and Elena is gone. I look up to see Damon with his index finger on his lips signaling me to be quite. I give him a look and he shakes his head grinning. I hear Elijah voice.
"Excuse me, to whom it may concern. You're making a grave mistake if you think you can beat me. You can't," he says. "I want the doppelganger and Ariel on the count of three or heads will roll."
"Okay we'll come with you just don't hurt our friend they only wanted to help," Elena's voice says.
"What are you messing at? Where is Ariel?" Elijah questions with a worried voice.
Damon looks at me when Elijah screams in pain. I run to see Stefan shooting Elijah with wooden bullets and one enters Trevor's heart. Rose screams as one also enters her heart. Damon comes running at Elijah and puts a coat rake through his heart pushing him to the door. I scream in pain as that happens. Elena is shocked that I did it out loud. I fall to the ground, Damon is by me in an I instant.
"Ariel what's wrong?" he says checking me over.
I point to my heart and he listening to it.
"There's nothing wrong," he say confused.
'It feels like I was stabbed when you stabbed Elijah,' I signed pointing to a now dedicated Elijah.
He still looks so handsome even though he is dead. Damon looks at Elijah than to me.
"I don't understand," he says confused.
"We'll deal with this later let's go home," Stefan says.
Damon scoops me up into his arms and carefully takes me home.
-Time Skip-
Elena and I walk into our house. Jenna is in the closet pulling stuff out.
"Hey Jenna what are you doing?" Elena asks as we stop by her.
"Elena, Ariel great you're here. I'm just getting some stuff someone asked to put in here," she says as she closes the door to the closet.
Elijah is standing there.

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