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          MARIELLA HAD NEVER BEEN INSIDE the hospital wing.

If she was, the reason would usually be because of a mild headache and she would be allowed to collect a note from Pomfrey if she was found walking out and about the corridors during school hours. That had only been once, and Miaomoryi had found herself segregating herself from the girl who seemed to radiate an aura of anger and fury that only she could reciprocate to others. For example, during her third year, Professor McGonagall had thought that sitting together the two most argumentative students of the class would be a good idea. And as expected, the pair had a lot to say about her choice of arrangement. Sirius had even gone as far as to comment on how the other pairings could be improved if he was to be placed in a seat that was at least in a 3-metre radius away from her.

Mariella had remembered biting the boy's head off once it came to walking back to the common rooms, only scaring away the first years who had not yet found themselves getting used to their antics. They had even managed to send one of them into shock merely by Remus mentioning the prediction that stated something about the way that they decided to belt off their own frustrations. Sirius had bluntly ignored him for the rest of school year as Mariella had done.

But it had changed something in the way he felt.

As more years passed, their arguments became more heated in ways that others weren't able to describe and he would mostly do things that would make it seem like they were together, in some way or another. And yet all that she could remember was that he was acting in such a manner, that it became similar to the way that he and his brother acted when they had visited the same holiday venue, only seeing each other on the beaches where Mariella would read under the shade and the brothers would play an intense game of volleyball a few metres adjacent to her. Maybe it was the fact that she completely differed from when she was around her parents that made him see a different side to her. One that he was able to see when he had walked into the hospital wing to see her unconscious, beads of sweat trailing down her skin at a quicker rate than usual.

On the other side, a thick sheet of material had been placed over the body that was found shortly after the game had finished with Gryffindor winning the game. Lily had been curled up in a corner, her eyes brimmed with tears as she tried to hide herself from the scene that continuously played itself inside her mind, contorting and folding in many ways than one until she would combust, leaving her to deal with irregular breathing and thinking that she couldn't align.

Despite the number of times that Miaomoryi visited the wing to greet and comfort her friend, she couldn't deny the pain she had went through when catching what seemed to be a glimpse of what would happen. Her mother had never mentioned any lineage when it came to her family bloodline, nor has she spoken widely about her father's lineage containing any connections to seers and the clairvoyant. But then again, her parents would never take the time out of their own to inform her of those things. She would eventually find out herself; the damage being done would heavily influence the actions that she would take in order to calm herself down.

"Does Slughorn know you're out of lesson?" Her voice had reeked from the fatigue she was suffering following the nightmares that appeared in canon to each other, one way or another causing her to abruptly wake up and reassure herself that it wasn't happening again. At that point, Sirius had sat down, propping his chin on the edge of the chair, that of which had its back facing her.

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