Chapter 3.

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"Two for The Fault in Our Stars." Said a young girl with blonde hair, as she put $20 on the counter.

This same scenario happened all day long because today was the day of the premiere of that movie about the girl who had cancer. Teenage girls were coming in and out like swarms, coming in smiling, out bawling. I think I saw a hundred girls leaving the theater sobbing today.

But then suddenly a familiar face came by...

"Oh wow! If it isn't Kook!" he sneered while wearing a shit eating grin. It was Namjoon, the guy who I used to have a crush on, and the same asshole who made everyone hate me for being who I am.

"How many guys did you get rejected by today?"

"Come to buy a ticket? Or did you come here to be an asshole." I looked back at him dully, not looking him in those eyes.

"Funny Kook, I thought you liked assholes, mine specifically. Aint that right you miserable fag?" His girlfriend that was with him smacked him on the arm and whispered harshly to him 'Joon thats enough.'

When I used to be friends with Namjoon, I never took him to be a homophobic douchebag, and by the look on his girls face, neither did she.

I saw my manager pass by me, giving me a look that told me I needed get busy. I can't stick around with this jerk anymore.

"Hurry up and pick a movie already." I grumbled.

"Give me 2 for A million ways to die." He gave me his credit card, glaring at me as i swiped it.

"Enjoy your movie Namjoon." I gave the stubs to his girlfriend under his arm, she took them from me with an apologizing glance, mouthing a 'sorry'. I nodded at her to tell her I'm okay.

My shift ended at 5:45pm. I went into the back and ditched my awful red vest for my favorite tee shirt. And as I was walking out, I said goodbye to Rosè, the girl who was working the counter with me. She was also my favorite co-worker. She always smiles and has the funniest jokes to tell. If I wanted to date a girl, she would be the one.

As I got closer to my car, the smell of vomit got stronger with every step. Someone must of puked and now it was baking in the sun all day. Perfect.

I pulled up the collar of my shirt to cover my nose. It didn't do much, but subconsciously I think it always helps. Like some kind of odor shield. I found the source of the smell, and I was right.

A large pile of vomit waited for me all day, it was sitting on the passenger side of my car. I gagged at the sight and scrambled into my car. The vinyl interior burned my skin from the hot sun.

It was back home, where I would go back to sitting on my roof, watching the sun go down. It was one of my many guilty pleasures. It gave me a little reminder that the world is not always so bad, and that it was full of beautiful things.

"How was work?" My mother calls from the living room. She holds a glass of pink sparkling wine in one hand, a magazine in her other. The Real Housewives was on the television in the background.

"Same as usual." I drop my keys in the glass bowl by the door and march up stairs.

"Your father and I are going on a date tonight so you're on your own for supper tonight okay?" She adds.


I pull out my cigarettes and take one out. I take the lighter in my pocket and open my window, jumping out onto the roof. I light it while I sit on the sandpapery shingles, watching the sun go down in the west.

I can't help but to think of Namjoon from today. We used to go to the movies all the time together, sit in the back row and sneak in burgers from In-and-out, laugh at the poor acting in the cheesy horror movies.

He used to sit on this roof with me, and we would lie here for hours after dark, saying absolutely nothing. We drank whiskey out of the bottle, listening to music until we'd fall asleep. I enjoyed staring into his dark hazel eyes, and brushing the hair from his face when he fell asleep. His laugh was like music to me.

And when I finally confessed that I had fallen for him, he didn't say anything at first. In fact he started talking to me less, and stopped staying at my house.

Until one day he turned vicious, pushing me against the lockers at school. He would beat me up, and got everyone in school to call me a faggot, and even out of school, people avoided me in public. He no longer looked at me longingly, or like a friend. Why?

We used to act practically like lovers, now he leaves an aching feeling in my chest whenever I see him.

"Hey, are you alright?"

I looked down, and there was Taehyung in his backyard.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I blew out smoke through my nostrils.

"You're crying." He pointed out.

"I am?" I brought my hand up to my cheeks, and sure enough, they were tear soaked.

"Hey, can I join you up there? You know, I would love to be involved in some good old teenage brooding."

Would I really like someone to come up here and not make me feel so lonely?

"Um, sure. Come inside my doors open. My room is the last one on the left." I took another drag.

"Great, uh see you in a couple minutes!" And then he took off running to the front of his house.

A solid 3 minutes passed before there was a knock on my window, and Taehyung was pushing it open.

"Hey that is an awesome bedroom you got there." He climbed out of the room, stumbling a bit before sitting next to me.

Glancing at him I noticed he was wearing a pair of shorts and a pastel tie-dye shirt that was for a band camp. His golden blonde hair perfectly reflected the sunlight that was disappearing in the sky.

"Whoa, what a view!" he said in awe.

"I know. Thats why I like it up here so much." I sighed, crushing the cig and throwing it in the gutter.

We stared for several minutes before he spoke up again, looking at me with concern.

"So, why were you crying just then?" He brought his knees up to his chest, holding them closely. "Something bothering you?"

"Dude, I don't want to talk about it just yet with you."

He smiled contently. But this kid had a smile on 24/7 from what I've seen of him so far. Not that im complaining though, he had a fairly nice smile (Nice is an understatement).

"Why are you so smiley?"

He sighed, and brushed some of his blonde hair out of his eyes, still smiling like a puppy.

"You said yet, that means someday, I will hear all your secrets." He was beaming.

"But why do you want to hear my secrets?"

"Because you're mysterious." He saw the confused look on my face and then carried on, "You sit up here on the roof, staring off into the sun like you have some kind of dark past. You dress in only dark colors and oh, you smoke too. Plus you look like an interesting person, Jeon Jungkook."

I paused. "You can't always judge a book by its cover you know."

"I know, thats why you gotta let me read it." He said as the sun disappeared from the sky, making the world a darker place.

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