Chapter 7 -> Confession

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If you love someone, be brave enough to tell them, otherwise be brave enough to watch them love someone else.



After that outing with Serena and Dawn, we became closer as a group. We even started our own group chat. We discussed a lot of topics. There was once I accidentally poised an examination question to Serena, but I sent to the group. It ended well as Dawn sort of became influenced to study. Hence, we exchanged questions in that group despite her lamenting the lack of time she had due to her work commitments. However, she will slowly study and learn concepts through our questions as we will elaborate more on it. Thanks to this initiative, even the teachers were surprised, my ranking in the class had improved which meant that I got to sit in the front few rows.

Today was a Friday which meant classes end earlier. Serena messaged me to meet her for dinner today for a fridate, which Serena called it. Well, I guess, her purpose was to celebrate my birthday.

/flashback to Wednesday night/

While I was lying on my bed using my phone, a notification popped out.

Serena: Ash, are you free this coming Friday?

Is Serena asking me out?

Ash: Yes, I'm free

What's she planning for me?

Serena: So let's meet at Macy's Cooks this coming Friday's night for a fridate. Dawn is coming too

Ash: Sure, uh... what's a fridate

Serena: Nothing, just a typo xD

Fridate? Friday plus date? Never mind. Time to sleep.

/End of Flashback/


As I heard Macy's Cook is quite an atas (it means high class) restaurant, I dressed a bit more formal, but not too formal, just a normal shirt with a dark leather jacket and dark blue jeans.

I arrived at the restaurant entrance ten minutes early as I had no other plans at home. I thought I was early enough but I was wrong.

"Excuse me," I signalled to the waiter. "I did reserve a table of two under the name Serena."

"Give me a moment," she replied as she looked through a list which I presumed was the reservation list.

"Ah, sir, she's already inside," she said which startled me.

"Sir, would you like me to bring to your table?" she offered.

I nodded my head and followed her to my table.

Indeed, Serena was sitting comfortably on her chair, wearing a pink dress. Rarely do I see her wear so formally. Most of the time except times when we went out, she was wearing her school uniform.

As I was approaching the table, she was carrying a broad smile, something I had not seen the past few months. I guess she had gotten over that incident.

I asked, "Why are you staring at me? Is my shirt dirty?"

I surveyed my own shirt and jacket for any dirty spots while she chuckled away.

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