Chapter 8 -> Power of Love

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Love is like a fish, swimming right in front of your eyes, however, if you don't catch it in time, someone else will fish it out instead.



"Ash, no buts. why don't we celebrate your birthday first with this cake?" I suggested.

"Sure, I'm hungry!" Ash said.

We walked till we find a good place to sit and eat the cake. As I was scared of lighters, Ash took the liberty to light up the candle, just one.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Ash, Happy Birthday to you!" I sang.

"Yeah... now make a wish!"

Ash clasped his hands together and murmured something under his mouth. Then, he blew the candle, extinguishing it into smoke.

"Yeah!" I cheered.

"Aiyo, I forget to bring a knife to cut the cake. Hehe!" I said, feeling bad as we can't eat the cake.

"Nvm, we will eat with our hands, see," Ash suggested.

Using his hands, he scooped up a portion of the cake, which was mainly the whipped cream at the top layer.

"Na!" he presented the portion of the cake to me.

Feeling embarrassed, I quickly ate it from my mouth.

As I tasted the cake for the first time, the taste was a little weird.

"Is it too sweet?" I asked.

"No, it's just right," Ash said which I doubted.

"Really?" I asked again.

"Yes," he asserted.

"It is true that we are unhappy, we should eat something sweet to cheer ourselves up." the raven-haired boy sitting right beside me said.

"I understand."

"What do you understand? You never even dated once." Ash rudely said.

I explained, "Yes, I didn't date before but I know how it feels like to fall for someone."

"Then do you how it feels to be heartbroken?" he asked me.

"I'm heartbroken now," I said, looking at the stairs below me.

"Does the guy you like know that you like him?" Ash asked.

"Him, his heart has already flown to someone else one. How would he know?" I said.

"Then you should tell him!" he suggested.

"Of course not, if I tell him, he might not want to be my friend anymore," I explained my fear.

I really don't want to lose you, Ash, you are my good friend.

Ash refuted, "Guys should be more gentleman, if I were him, I will be very happy."

Before I could reply, he added, "However, it depends on who the girl is"

I suggested, "Then... what if that girl is...  me."

I looked at him for the first time in that one minute, hoping to get a good answer.

"You, ok... you are smart, you are quite cute," he praised me.

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