Chapter 22: A Fighting Chance?

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Serena's hair flapped around endlessly as Serenity flew down, closer and closer to their destination. The trainer had a sneer on her face as she tucked a loose strand under her ear.

It's time, Hala. Time for you to face your sins! Serena thought with the anger coursing through her body. Suddenly, a purple aura surrounded her whole body as her eyes glowed blood red.

"IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO FEEL THE WRATH OF A YVONNE!" Serena yelled out as the aura flared up wildly. Serenity flinched at the rage.

Whoa, sis, somebody sure is motivated... she observed in a calm manner. Serena smirked before petting Serenity's head.

"Now why wouldn't I be motivated? Hala is the Kahuna of Melemele Island, someone who Tapu Koko himself chose to protect it. By beating him, we'd basically be beating the guardian's chosen one." she replied as she clenched a fist.

Well, when you put it like that, I'm motivated for that exact same reason. This second war has only just begun, and I'm not going to rest until we become Champion and kill off the guardians! They've already caused enough pain by murdering your father and destroying our home, so when we're done decimating everyone in our path to the title, the whole Alola, the whole world will learn to fear us! Serenity exclaimed, clearly enraged. A tear dripped down Serena's cheek at the mention of her father.

"Dad...I dedicate this Grand Trial battle to you." she mumbled to herself as she wiped it off. They got to the stone steps overlooking Iki Town.

Serena jumped off Serenity's head and was about to return her into her Beast Ball when they both heard a female voice say, "Well...I knew I'd find you here, cousin, and with that disgusting beast by your side too." They flinched and, in a rage, turned to face Leaf. Kevin was next to her with Maria on his shoulder, both glaring at the Ultra Beast with the latter's cheeks sparking with electricity.

"Who in the blue hell are you, calling my precious Serenity a disgusting beast?! Come on, say it to my face, I dare you!" Serena exclaimed as her aura flared up even more wildly than before. Leaf saw the red glow in her eyes and hesitated in fear until she felt Kevin's reassuring hand on her shoulder. She instantly relaxed before walking up to Serena with a very furious expression. Soon, the two cousins were literally nose to nose, and one could cut the tension deep with a knife.

"You heard me right, Serena...Gabena. That Nihilego of yours is an utterly disgusting beast! I'm surprised that you're not revolting at the mere sight of it. Damn, that neurotoxin really messed you up badly, huh?!" Leaf shouted, slowly but surely losing her cool. Serena looked both confused by how she knew her old name and very pissed off at the mere mention of it and the shot she took on Serenity, who was shaking in fury.

"First of all, I don't know who you are or how you knew my old name, nor do I care. But I better not hear that name come from your or anyone else's filthy mouths. And secondly, I better not hear you or anyone else badmouthing any of my Ultra Beasts too. Is that understood, bitch?! Good. Now run along. We don't have time for the likes of you!" she exclaimed in a vicious tone. Those words managed to break Leaf completely, as tears started to rapidly fall down her cheeks. Serena saw this and smirked evilly.

"Aw, are you going to cry, you miserable girl?" she asked tauntingly. All of a sudden, Serena raised her hand and smacked it across Leaf's face, snapping it back with the force of the blow and causing her head to reel sickeningly. She gasped in pain as she fell to the grass on her bottom, utterly stunned by her cousin's actions. Leaf then started to sob as a very shocked Kevin knelt down to her level. After inspecting his girlfriend's cheek, which had a nasty bruise on it, he and Maria both looked up and gave Serena a cold glare.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Serena?! That was your cousin you just slapped!" Kevin exclaimed in anger as he held Leaf's head close to his chest, clearly not caring about her tears getting on his shirt. At first, Serena didn't respond, as she returned Serenity, who was laughing in her head, back into her Beast Ball before turning and walking away from them. As soon as her feet touched the first step, she stopped and turned her head back to Kevin, Maria, and Leaf.

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