Chapter 2 - Sebastien

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The curtains were still drawn and my study was a mess. 10 hours in and I still had not come up with a solution on how to save my estate.

My good-for-nothing cousin had foolishly gambled away the Estate deeds to a pathological gambler, and there was no hope of them being returned unless we went through the courts. At present, I was not obliged to do so.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts and my steward, Mr Ainsworth, walked in.
"Good morning, your Grace. I have come to inform you that breakfast has been served and your correspondences await you in the dining room, sir."

I turned my head towards him, then rose out of my seat. "Thank you, Ainsworth." I shrugged on my waistcoat before making my way to the hall.

Ainsworth closed the door behind us and followed me to the dining room where I sat and began to read my letters.
The letters I saw were mostly unimportant as I sifted through them; charity favours and social events that I would be required to attend.
And then one particular letter caught my attention. My lawyer had written to inform me that the person with the best chance of re-attaing the deeds would be The Duke of Buckingham.

Within moments, I had penned a letter to the Duke asking if I could make a visit to Normanby Hall. My lawyers advice was to be heeded - considering the ungodly amount I paid him, it was always worthy advice.

The next day, I received a favourable reply and immediately ordered a carriage.

The journey was long and tiresome, but as we approached Normanby Hall, there was a sudden commotion ahead of us.

The sound of a gunshot ripped through the air, and without a moments hesitation, I vaulted out the carriage swiftly.

The scene that I was met with was incredibly surprising.
A women with dark hair and the largest green eyes stood defiantly in front of a highwayman and had a gun aimed at his temple.

A man of large stature stood behind her and the coach driver was sprawled out on the ground in front of them seemingly unconscious.

"Apologise immediately," she demanded, completely unafraid.
The masked man laughed at her, amused.

"Now why would i do that? " he drawled out.

"Well, sir," she said, standing to her full height and nodded her head
towards the gun "It seems I have you at a disadvantage"

The highway man grinned showing crooked teeth "And I don't believe that you have the guts to shoot me."

She narrowed her eyes. "Try me."

The highwayman laughed again and cocked his head to the side. "Feisty little one, aren't you? I wonder what your father would say if he could see you now My Lady ."

As the Lady was about to reply, unbeknownst that the highwayman was slowly pulling a pistol from behind his jacket ready to fire, I thought it best to act and charged at the man pulling him off his horse by grabbing a fistful of his linen shirt.

We both tumbled to the ground in a heap of limbs, the gun flying out of his grip out of either one of our reach. He scrambled to his hands and knees attempting to re-mount his horse. I caught him and dragged him to his feet, turning my hip as he tried to play dirty and knee me in my groin.
"You'll pay for attempting that dirty move" I snarled, and attacked with a big right overhand punch.

The highway man stepped out of range, but I drove my shoulder into his chest before he had a chance to defend himself. The force slammed him back into the ground, where he belonged.

As the man started to get up off the ground a loud whistle sounded.

Oh great just what I needed, The local authority had just arrived.

Our heads turned in the direction of the high pitched noise, as two officers ran towards us .

They grabbed the highwayman and twisted his hands behind his back.

"Unhand me, you BASTARDS!" The highway man snarled, as he was being dragged away.

A third officer walked up to me and bowed slightly "Your Grace, " he said.

I nodded in acknowledgement, before turning to the woman beside me. Her face was a tightly checked mask of anger, surprisingly enough.

I opened my mouth to ask if she was hurt, but the officers were suddenly between us.

"Your Grace, if it's okay with you, we'd like to ask you a few questions regarding the incident just now?"

I frowned, intending to ask him if he could first talk to the young lady on the side, who seemed rather shaky.

The Lady stood up straighter and walked towards the officer without a word, completely ignoring me.

"I'll answer any question you have, officer. But I do need to get home, as the Duke will be worried."

The officer smiled, "Of course, My Lady. Right this way."

I watched, astounded, as she stalked past me without sparing me - her savior - a single glance.

"Hang on a Moment" I called out to them, but my cry fell on deaf ears as the officer and the Lady walked out of my sight.

I answered all and any questions the Police had for me and within 10 minutes I was back in my coach, driving towards Normanby Hall, with the image of a dark haired, green eyed women on my mind.

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