Ch. 4

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At the end of English, my last class of the day, the Professor asks if I might stay after. He projects the request directly to my mind instead of saying it out loud, perhaps to avoid my embarrassment in front of the other students. I just find it unsettling.

"I hear you're picking up a few things from the other students."

"Yes, Kitty taught me how to type."

"And Bobby's taught you new ways of tormenting Logan," he says with amusement.

News travels fast here. Earlier I snuck up on Logan and poked the back of his neck with a frosty finger. "Did Logan tell you I copied Bobby's ice ability?"

"No, Jean did."

Logan told her then. "You two are close?"

"She and Scott Summers were among my first students. They arrived here when they were about your age."

Indulging my curiosity, I ask, "Why does Mr. Summers always wear those dark glasses? He's not he?"

"I think that's something you should ask him." The Professor knows when I'm stalling. He narrows his eyes to see what I'm thinking then catches himself and stops. "Ace, I hope you aren't planning on copying every power you come across."

"No." I'm not planning on it.

"Be careful whose you do. There are some things you can't give back, and others that will take on a life of their own. You have a rare and tremendous gift, Ace. Be careful how you use it."

Be careful, be careful. "Copying is not a gift, it's a cheat."

"Is that what you believe?" He pauses for me to reflect. "Or has someone taught you that?"

I flick my gaze over him. "I know what I'm doing. I just need a stable place to do it. Somewhere I won't be bothered."

He studies me for a moment, and I wonder if he's as intuitive as my past superiors. "Very well then. Just keep in mind that you have a support system here. We'll do our best to help."

= = =

Scott steps into Xavier's office looking dour. "She was in the Danger Room today."

"Yes, I sent her to observe one of Storm's sessions," replies Xavier.

"She observed mine, we were doing tactical maneuvers." Scott crosses his arms. "She saw everyone's abilities and what they could be used for in an offensive situation. I asked her what she was doing there and you know what she did? Started correcting our maneuvers."

Xavier smiles apologetically. "It appears she is capable of picking up innate skill and intelligence as well as mutation. She's just learning from you."

"Yes, but it's not just me she's learning from is it? After the session, she went over to Piotr and got him to show her his power then they started speaking Russian. But I watched her and she was picking it up as she went along."

"So she might be a linguist as well?"

"She's—" Scott sighs. "There's a wall around that kid. She ignores me in class, knows all the material, and what with the power-grabbing she's going to be uncontrollable in a matter of days. This habit of copying the other students is going to start trouble." With a furrowed brow, he lowers his voice. "And then we'll have another Allerdyce. I'm keeping an eye on her."

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