Ch. 14

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Winter break begins in less than a week and I'm anxious to head out on my own again.

"I did it last year," I say. "Just go on the school trip, I've got my own places to go."

Vince and I are sitting at opposite ends of the couch.

"Yeah, but last year you didn't have anyone to hang with. Now you've got me, and you're still gonna leave?"

"I like to travel and see things unnoticed. You just can't do that on a school trip."

"I- Fine. You're gonna do your thing, just go do it."

Vince is unusually irritable lately. He's started smoking. I can smell it on him when he comes down from the roof after being there on his own. I know better than to ask where he gets the cigarettes.

Matt collapses over the back of the couch, landing between us with his feet in the air. "So, this is fun. What do you ladies want to do? I've got a license, I can get us places. We'll go into town, or better yet, the city. Yeah, find a concert or something." He starts playing bouncing pop music.

"Stop," I order.

Matt gives me a dirty look. "Why?"

"She's got a headache," answers Vince.

"You get headaches? I thought you didn't have to deal with stuff like that."

"Well, I've got one, so be quiet."

"Okay, but you've gotta admit that's an impossibility on my part-"

"Jeezus." Vince gets up out of his seat. "Just shut up."

Matt rolls into an upright position, watching Vince as he storms off. "What's his problem?"

"How should I know?" I rub my temples and search for something to distract Matt. "Sarah's watching you."

"Eh, Sarah's old news." But he still glances over his shoulder.

"What about that other girl, Lyndsay?"

He cringes. "Ugh, she's dating the other Matt."
"Your life is so hard," I say, getting up.

My telepathy has become unbearable of late, buzzing as though my brain is connected to a lost radio. Every occupied room I walk past makes my headache grow, but the farther away I get from people the less it hurts. The roof would be an ideal escape, but Vince's up there.

Kicking icy leaves out of my path, hands delved into my coat pockets, I trek into the woods. My breath gathers in white clouds that dissipate quickly, so I turn my internal heat up just a little to compensate for the shoddy coat. A flock of ground birds rustles and flutters away, reluctant and unhappy. I get a whiff of cheap tobacco smoke and the standard school shampoo, and give an irritated sigh.

You're going to kill yourself with those. I think loud enough for him to hear as I turn to go.

I figured you'd head up to the roof, Vince replies as I finally locate his heartbeat a few yards to my left. So he's avoiding me too. How's the headache?

Murderous, yours?


I'll be on the roof then.

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